You know what's a shame? I agree with you.
You know what's a shame? I agree with you.
I'd probably just take it and be fired for it. >.>
Of course!
3DS: "Ask again later".
Well, I bought it on XBLA on day 1, and I played it only a little. I honestly got very irritated with the ads on the 360 interface the same day, and have only booted my XBox once since then (only to be again irritated by the ads, this time they were POLITICAL ads, so I was done).
Well, they HAVE been kinda stepping in the right direction as far as not being assholes to the community... and honestly the fact that they're bringing us Tales games without us having to beg, AND Project X Zone (not to mention the obvious one, giving us Ni No Kuni)... yeah, they're definitely less likely to issue a…
Well, yeah, but not in the same "We're The Pokemon Company International, and we're gonna wipe out all of the Pokedex apps on Android and iTune with Cease and Desists because we're going to release our own Pokedex app on iTunes, but not Android because, to hell with Android users!"
Is there an Android version? Also, inb4 C&D from Namco Bandai.
I will object to this by pointing out that the Call of Duty series is actually very popular in Japan. (Whether we want to acknowledge this or not, it's a fact.) So honestly, the agrument that Japan refuses to buy US games is actually in itself incorrect. Now, whether other games are popular there or not is up in the…
I enjoyed Rumble and Rumble Blast... but this video is either a montage of boss battles and battle royale events, or the game literally has no exploration element. I find that sort of odd, but I guess we'll see what the actual deal is as more gameplay is revealed. However, should this just be all battles like this, I…
Okay, so... provided they don't go crazy with this and release multiple sets like this, and/or require you own the figures to ever see/use these Pokemon in Rumble U, then I guess this doesn't bother me as much as it could. However, the second they get the crazy idea that releasing figures of all 649+ Pokemon is okay,…
Yeah, saw this new layout on Jalopnik. It's yet another fail. I note that the new thing seems to be entirely based on the Tumblr layout in the days after Hurricane Sandy, which I was relieved when the site was back. Now we're gonna be stuck with the endless fail version of Kotaku. :/
I heard about this last night. Sort of disappointed that they've said nothing on the Charizard XL, I'd buy that no question. Well, there's still time before they air the episode of the anime where Charizard returns outside of Japan... we'll see if there's any news by then.
I would play any game with Anthony Hopkins and Patrick Stewart reading bad dialogue. ANY. GAME.
Assuming you're in the UK, it'll be at GAME for you guys starting on the 22nd until April 19th.
Actually got back from doing just this a few minutes ago. :P Relic Song is such an unusual mechanic in practice.
Oh wait. Nevermind. I misread that as Gen VI. :P
Well, I'm glad these three are coming stateside. At the same time... I'm kinda with the general concensus that Time and Eternity doesn't look or sound as good as I had hoped (animation looks very choppy, to be honest...) and I'm not really liking the guy's voice. Thankfully NISA tends to leave the Japanese voice…
Well, yeah, and that makes sense (I don't know anyone in the field of waster management either, nor do I work in it, unless you count the occasional need to dispose of old PC hardware, which is usually handed off to a subcontractor anyway).