To be fair, not all articles about it mention that. They just say "Buried in some Arizona/Nevada/wherever desert". I forget where. Regardless, the story is the stuff of legends... so... I dunno.
To be fair, not all articles about it mention that. They just say "Buried in some Arizona/Nevada/wherever desert". I forget where. Regardless, the story is the stuff of legends... so... I dunno.
Eeeyup. Really, Kojima obviously wants to make movies. But here's the thing... it's definitely Sakurai's opinion it's not the way to do it, but on the other hand, the real decision on whether you want minimal storytelling or 5-hour cutscenes is up to the player. For me, it depends on my mood. I'm not really a huge fan…
I'm not a fan either, but his games have a lot of story to them, you know? Kirby, Kid Icarus, and Super Smash Bros. really kinda lack in the story department. (Okay, can't speak for Kid Icarus, because again, I didn't play them. Point still stands on Kirby and Super Smash Bros. Love those games, though.)
I'm sure this scene has been taken out of context... I think...
That was kinda my thought when I saw the title. Though supposedly Kid Icarus: Uprising has a good story (haven't played it, and it simply didn't interest me). Personally, what I know of it, the game's story is a parody of itself, though, so not really sure why that would somehow make it better than, say, Metal Gear.
I will respond to your question with this: If Farmville somehow got a TV show... then Skylanders most definitely will at some point.
I feel it is highly unlikely. Historically, Corocoro reveals of new Pokemon have had the types "unknown", and new evolution methods... haven't been revealed in a long time, so I can't recall for sure. (Example of a "unknown type" though, Lucario was believed to be at least part psychic when he was revealed, yet turned…
This... is fantastic. If I could have such a setup myself, I definitely would. In fact, this is what one should STRIVE for in a gaming room/library.
So... how is FarmVille exciting, exactly? Because unless it's opposite day, I'm not really sure what kind of drugs this guy is on. I guess it's technically exciting for Zynga because money, and I'm gonna guess that's why he's excited. Or they got him really high. Either/or.
Well, this is true that they haven't sold as many outside of Japan as they have elsewhere, but those numbers don't take into account the number of Japanese copies exported to other regions. Also, I do question where you got these numbers from, not that I am denying they may exist somewhere, but Capcom doesn't release…
Sold less outside of Japan = Struggling, apparently. I'd lean towards the real issue there being Capcom has released only half of the entries outside of Japan.
No, it's not even that. He could have an absolutely asinine campaign where everything he says is retarded bullshit, but tack on one thing like "Free ice cream for everyone!" and he'll get into office. People's desire for free ice cream will overshadow the fact that the guy is an absolute fucking moron and shouldn't be…
The only thing that would hint at otherwise, is the suggestion that you can 'carry abilities between classes'. Meaning they either are saying you have the abilities from your original class and they carry over... or that you can carry them between your many class changes. It's kinda up for interpretation unless…
I guess that's true. Hoping they'll have a way to NOT have the dragonstone burn out, though. Kinda sucks to have a character with such an awesome ability that is limited to only 45 uses the entire game. (Or was it 30?)
Well, I guess your point is valid on those. Though Dark Souls and Demon's Souls somehow became mainstream. (I know people who don't play RPGs typically that know all about Demon's Souls, for instance.) Valkyrie Chronicles... I don't really know how that happened, since Sega doesn't see the series as profitable enough…
Well, gonna say right now, likely Ni No Kuni and Fire Emblem will never have a price drop. :P You've got a niche JRPG (seems to be getting a lot of attention, but still niche) and you've got a first-party Nintendo title. :P That said, I envy your ability to be responsible... because I sure as hell haven't been. >.>;
I admit I'm curious as to what you've purchased that has been pulled... simply because I don't recall hearing about them being pulled. The only game I recall being pulled was that advergame for some Honda car or something on XBox Live. (Totally blanking on the name of that one, just that it was very publicized that…
I wonder how that Second Seal works, exactly... because I certainly wouldn't change a Manakete over to another class if I couldn't return her to that same class without using another seal... unless it's somehow common or reusable.