
Hey, we finally got a new Snap.

Hush you! This was *totally* a teaser for XD: Gale of Darkness 2!

That’s a Simple and Clean way of putting it.

Yeah i dont know why they said theres no western release details yet, when it definitely says coming worldwide 2020

It says Worldwide 2020 at the end of the trailer, so I’d imagine a simultaneous launch?

This is actually fascinating! A 5% increase in encounter rate would be realistically impossible to “prove” by using standard statistical protocols, simply because it would be effectively impossible to get enough unbiased data and because Pokémon games often have (or could reasonably be believed to have, if one doesn’t

In response to whoever inevitably complains that they still haven’t seen a box they won’t be able to buy until November: have some perspective. The PS5 simply is not the most important thing in the world right now.

More evidence that Boba Fett was never cool or good and just sucks.”

That’s a really good question. I feel like the team owners and/or sponsors should provide them with a full on racing rig.

Psh Noob.

Fam! I did the expedite shipping on SE’s store, I got the 1st Class Edition! I already brought a digital copy which will be predownloaded tomorrow.

6 of my cons were either cancelled or postponed to later in the year sobs...its a nightmare for everyone honestly. This game is LITERALLY the only thing keeping from me completely dissolving into fits of depression.

Fucking over Walmart, Target, Best Buy and mom and pops? Hell, Amazon? Dude, you didn’t think your comment though before you posted it, did you?


No weapons! No clown outfit! Just ME! Byron Williams:
Of the WORLD!

A lot of people who are not me liked Big Fish

Didn’t Gates donated 60 or 70 percent of his fortune at some point, and barely a couple of years later was back being one of the richest man alive?

The critical thing to remember about DJT is that he went broke because he never had that money.

It’s a simple comparative example of the fact that people can, and frequently do, buy into and even fight to protect and promote the very systems that exploit or harm them. Not sure why that offends you.

Fun fact - it’s possible to objectify yourself.