
When it comes to PC audio, don’t buy headphones (headsets) from companies that specialize in keyboards and mice. I guarantee these sound better than the majority of gaming specific headsets on the market:

Logitech headsets are trash when it comes to sound quality and that makes it hard to game with when every gun shot or explosion sounds like a snorlax underwater fart.

This Giant Display Uses Colored Thread Instead of Pixels

I dig the TSA account too

Today’s gamers be all like “what why is the main character a man helping a woman? Why is it not a black hero? How come I can’t do same sex romance?”

Sure, Microsoft. Fuck what I’m doing. Force restart my machine because you say I must. Oh, last update bricked my PC? Wait for next update. Due out Thursday after next in two years from today. Till then, use an abacus and a pencil.


Normally, I’d be against it, but I say let GdT make any creature based movie. Even if the script / plot is ludicrous, it will look amazing (I’m looking at you Pacific Rim).

Biggest design secret of Ex Machina: Countless roto artists working for hours cutting out every single hole in the robot’s mesh ‘skin’ which shows the scenery behind it on every single frame for very low pay.

Free speech isn’t always pretty.

I’ll pass...

... No thanks.

I gave up after 1 or 2 episodes. Never been more sure of anything.

I’m afraid I disagree with everything they are doing as a company on principle, but what he is saying is becoming harder and harder to disagree with. It is more a matter of shades than black and white. The U.S. openly tortures people, FFS, and with the co-operation of it’s enlightened and democratic allies. Yet

a) A good portion of the station belongs to them. So you can take your “We’re ‘murica, let’s just kick ‘em out” attitude to the curb, thank-you-very-much. Despite what the U.S would like to believe, the I.S.S doesn’t actually belong to you. Hence the word “International”.

She was representative, not a senator. Jeez. If you’re gonna be pedantic, be PEDANTIC!

Now playing

I like to think Arnie just wanders around aimlessly with some firearms and looking a badass outside of his acting work.

For those who want to know, here is a description of the two end-credits scenes:

It’s too bad that Simon Baz failed to catch on. An Arab male hero in Western Culture is very progressive considering we are all villains and Islamophobia is “acceptable target” racism


Hmm, let me guess, she discovers using 100% of her brain and basically becoming God has made her infertile, so she feels her life has no meaning, and recreates a human body that only uses say 90% of her brain, but can still become pregnant and must enter the modern dating scene to find