I can see it now; You’ll only be allowed to purchase gas at certain brand name suppliers and you’ll pay double what other non iOS users would buy. It will update and restart in the middle of your commute in rush hour and the Nav system will never get it quite right.
All that build up for nothing. Just like other parts of naruto.
Here you go
Would much rather watch 3 hours of this than what bay churned out.
There is absolutely nothing impressive while standing there doing nothing while your buddies do all the work. It’s just a demonstration of a mechanic in the game that shares exp for kills, not any amount of skill, which is oddly called out in the article.
Nah, the inexpensive McLaren I want doesn’t have quotes around inexpensive.
I am sorry. I clicked through expecting an actual article instead I find screen caps of some online conversation.
When will people accept that there is no future in mainstream gaming for Oculus? If it were going to happen then it wouldve already.
It’s not healthy for these guys either.
To those that say lay hands on her and pull her off the road, I’d rather her die than be sued for sexual harassment...
Earlier this week, someone made a cheeky discovery on the Bloodborne game disc. But it turns out, this crack isn’t a…
Woman driver...........if you get my drift.
This is what happens when you stick your neck out for people...
Anyone else not interested in the new consoles and their games this generation? Maybe I grew up, or maybe the games just aren't in as great a quality and quantity as they used to be. Who knows? I know that I can name a number of games from my childhood that I loved, and that recently I haven't been able to name many…
if someone can afford this, i'm sure they have a life already, a much better one than yours it seems.