Thanks Dr. Buzzkill. Go back to your delicious lunch of greek yogurt and sadness.
Thanks Dr. Buzzkill. Go back to your delicious lunch of greek yogurt and sadness.
There are undoubtedly cycling assholes, but for me, my smaller aggressions on the bike are due to the fact that, if we have a collision, you'll suffer surface scrapes on your car. I'll be a smear on the road.
In my experience it's either new riders (see: fucking idiots on citi bikes) or bike messengers / delivery guys who are the worst, because they don't give a fuck and refuse to ride in a manner that is safe to them and the other people around.
On the other hand, I feel like everyone who drives in NYC sucks at it, and…
Yes, but all that aside, cyclists live in mortal terror of some driver (vengefully or inadvertently) killing them with their car. Motorists just have to deal with the nuisance of inconsiderate cyclists. So it's not a one way street but please recognize the balance of power.
Just check to see if she has a barcode on the back of her neck.
Re: the high school dance boner.
Legal or not legal,
Dammit Freeh, this is what we hired YOU to do. Looks like we picked the wrong former FBI Director.
In related news, a report commissioned by Shaggy has reached the conclusion that, despite all evidence to the contrary "it wasn't me".
The best shower beer ever was the collegiate 11pm pre-gaming for a party shower beer.
I've won twice. Dead serious.
Why isn't a chicken all dark meat?
You know whose anonymity shouldn't be protected? Whoever did that grout work.
Did Abdullah learn any lessons? "Stop before you drop."
Still looks like an expert move to me how he slid in passenger side first, it probably saved his life. At least it saved his limbs.
I, for one, welcome our new sashimi overlords.
Wrong side of the commonwealth. Eastern PA is Yuengling country, western PA drinks IC Lite, which is just fermented steel mill runoff.
I'd also like to see what this looks like next to a football triangle and a tennis rhombus.
Overheard from Patty Mayonnaise in a rarely seen episode of Doug.