
Virginia McCaskey (Bears) is an old, white woman, so I guess it’s not her. Crotchety and out of touch? Probably that too.

Sounds like something Blarney Stone would do, but you didn’t mention Penn students. What bar was this?

It says he was in NJ

I don’t know whether I had a liberal or apathetic homeroom teacher throughout high school, but it was always nice that she didn’t make us stand for the pledge. I usually used that time to get an extra 10 seconds of sleep in the morning.

No one is fighting you on that one. The Lunchables division of the Middle School Lunch Meal League does not have a very successful history.

Water doesn’t burn you cuz of the high specific heat. It burns you cuz of the high thermal conductivity. The high specific heat just means that while it’s burning you, it has a whole lot more energy in reserve to keep burning you cuz it’s a bitch like that.

Ehh, I don’t see space farts being a significant issue. I’m pretty sure that at some point NASA engineers came up with the idea to add air filters to their $100 billion space station.

One other thing that still has yet be determined is what is up with that shit ass lean by Felix? Her torso barely dipped at the line! If she had timed and leaned better, that might’ve given her back that 0.07 seconds.

Um, it’s Fishtown / Kensington. Not even close to being South Philly.

I’m gonna guess you already do, but if not, you really need to follow Thomas Nestel on Twitter (@TNestel3)

Back in June, I was looking at purchasing a house on that exact block. Had they disclosed that these kinda people were my potential neighbors, I might’ve taken that house. What a missed opportunity! I’d love to live with people who make dumpster pools, although I’m not sure if that’s a positive thing or not.

Yeah for real... they couldn’t program it so it just worked in the background? There are plenty of other GPS tracking apps that don’t require it to be open all the time. I get that it should be open if you wanna find the actual Pokemon and catch them, but just walking around to hatch an egg? Come on.

Can confirm that the speed limit is definitely lower than 20 mph. I ride my bike to work every day and it barely registers anything significant. I know the fastest I ride at any point is 20 mph cuz that’s what a mile long stretch’s lights are timed for. Also, if I was riding more than 20 mph the whole way, I’d show up

Washington has the advantage of having Naval Base Kitsap, where the Pacific Fleet’s SSBNs are based. Having a fleet of ballistic missile subs would probably make California think twice before invading Washington. I guess all the SSBNs won’t immediately become part of Washington’s navy, but they gotta get at least a

Shit man... There’s always a highlight truther.

I don’t understand how so many people think Radiohead and Coldplay are alike. I guess they both employ piano at times (obviously Coldplay a lot more) and singers with a falsetto, but beyond that, what is the same? Maybe a few songs here and there are alike, but are you really telling me that Coldplay has anything like

How could they lose?! They have Goro on their team!

Entrepreneur and current American 800-meter record-holder Nick Symmonds

Wow. The WHOOSH from the number of people missing this joke is deafening.