
I know a girl who has never seen Seinfeld, Star Wars, and numerous other hugely popular TV shows and movies. Every time I make a pop culture reference around her, she gets upset at me like it's my fault she grew up in a cave! WTF?

Now playing

Something along the lines of this player protest (a protest over player wages) where they start and just decide not to play?

Well played.

It was a boring lunch hour and I have an engineering degree, so this sorta thing isn't complicated. But thanks, your comment made me both laugh and look in the mirror a bit more and realize how deep my nerdiness can go.

As long as you throw the ball so its initial velocity's direction is exactly horizontal and you drop the other ball without anything acting on it besides gravity, then yes, they will land at the same time.

Gravity only affects the vertical component of the velocity vector. If we neglect air resistance, nothing is

It could travel 10,000 miles from the back wall and the calculation would still be the same. No matter what it's trajectory is, its velocity's vertical component is zero and its vertical acceleration is 9.81 m/s^2 (neglecting air resistance) towards the ground.

I'm saying it's 10 feet. I downloaded the video, slowed it to 0.5x speed (and subsequently doubled times to get true length of time) and although crude, I timed two phases with a wristwatch five times each: time for the ball to reach it's maximum height and then drop to the floor (T1) and time for the ball to reach

Summer Glau played both characters, so I'm gonna go with yes. Probably from a convention at some point. At first I was like, "Wait... she did cars shows?"

I might be late to the party as this might've been asked / pointed out long ago, but is that Summer Glau (probably most widely known as River on Firefly)?

I was thinking it was summer Thursday's near the state capitol in Albany, whatever those events were called. Fits the description pretty well, except there's no "club district" in Albany.

I get the malfunctioning brakes and driver in the back seat things all the time. Between that, the slow running / inability to run one, teeth falling out one, and forgetting that there's a final to take for a class I never attended, my dream resume is just filled with cliches. Geez, I need a more original

Rather than addressing the substance of the critique, they chastised us for seeking attention... and complained about the whole thing not being right, because QED.

I completely agree. Drew Magary mentioned something like this awhile back (can't believe I remember this and somehow found the Funbag):

Deadspin had something that helps you pair your wine with different foods and kind of an explanation of what you can expect from different types. Doesn't really go into pricing and all that, but it might be a start.

So tessellation cookies? The nerd in me approves.

The reviews for this thing are angering me. How are there people who seriously feel this is necessary? I have a banana slicer at home too, but I call it a knife. It also can be used as a strawberry de-huller, apple peeler, avocado cuber, and an

I remember doing this in a home ec class in maybe 8th grade. Pretty sure we just shook Wawa heavy cream in its cardboard container. It took a rotation of like 10 kids cuz you had to shake the damn thing so much, but we eventually had some low quality butter. Total cost = $2.49 + 10 very sore arms.

Dips below 60? I didn't even know Florida got that cold. You're not just standing in front of your freezers while grabbing some ice cream, are you? And "below 60" is basically anytime between September and May in State College, with a few lucky days here and there.

Umm... sleep?