
I think Lili Taylor could pull off Janis! She's got that awesome raspy voice...

Brea, it's cool. I always forget people's names immediately after they tell me.

Well, when a daddy and mommy have special feelings for one another...

Would have helped to have a commercial break at mid-flight...

Friends of the victim also said he was just a good ol' boy never meanin' no harm.


Can you fix the layout please? This layout is awful. Why was it changed?

How long before this exact scenario shows up on Girls?

Well I'm one of those so-called "millenials" and I'll have you know through this not-so-subtle humblebrag that I graduated debt-free with a 10.0 GPA and a $90,000 job offer. Unlike those other entitled snobs I had to pay my way through school by having 5 part-time jobs simultaneously. To save money I ate ate discount

This is completely anecdotal, but 15ish years ago I was working in an ad agency and the latest thing was to target tweens/pre-teens, as it was deemed an untapped gold mine back then. We turned them into consumers because, well, one's never too young to be a consumer (apparently).


This movie is just.....so white, Jesus Christmas Easter!

You don't like JLaw, GoT, or fucking Gloria fucking Steinem. But you like Daria and Aubrey 'I suck at my job' Plaza?

I'm so sorry, but...

From what I can tell, white people love hiking!

Karma got to O.J. and Karma will get to Zimmerman.

If this turns out to be, "I was raped in Uganda and all I got it's an ugly ptsd felicity haircut" I will go fucking ballistic.

The prosecution never wanted to win. They didn't even want to file.