Thoughts and prayers

You don’t have to be unfunny to get arrested for terroristic threats... but it helps!

hahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahha you are an idiot hahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha

“where they wrongfully, and most likely illegally”

Nope. You have none of that correct in your head. Perhaps it’s your head?

If I had that haircut I’d kill myself.


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Agreed. These stories aren’t cool. It’s giving a platform of recognition to people engaging in extremely irresponsible behavior. The legal punishments don’t seem to be an incentive to knock it off either.


You keep saying this like you’re trying to make some kind of point. Are you trying to make some kind of point? Because I kind of feel like the point you’re trying to make is based on faulty information and a hefty dose of bias.

Plowed by a guy from the county before you wake up?

Done. Cops are on their way to your place.

Stalin would

you sound triggered by the president’s shitty listicle. do you need a kleenex?

Sweet fuckin’ christ, we’re a nation of abject morons...

But not smart enough to not run your mouth-basket about what you don’t know.

who cares?