If you are going to get physically removed, can we just trade places instead?
If you are going to get physically removed, can we just trade places instead?
When I really need to get work done at my job I fire up the Terran tracks from SC. It’s the perfect combination of driving rock, ambience, and nostalgia that gets my APM and micro up.
The one tip I have given a couple of my friends that helped them climb the ranks is to choose one hero (maybe two) that you are really good at and just play them. Don’t switch to work with the comp. Don’t fill. Be selfish and keep picking/playing your best character. You can contribute way more to each game this way…
Came here to say the exact same. He was probably trolling to get the audio he needed then splice in clips where he did well = comedy gold
If it was garlic bread it would have been called out as such because garlic bread is amazing by itself. It’s also the best and ONLY logical conclusion of this forte into the culinary aether. I rest my case.
I’ve taken up saying “I’m going to crush this one down into candy.”
If I ever found my kids spending hours making their own card game I would never buy them the cards they wanted in the first place. Also...I want to play this game.
For some reason you brought to mind the running scene from Forrest Gump. I hope the books now end with everyone collectively agreeing they have wandered enough and that it is time to go home.
This is poetry.
Well it was her body i moved. She was no longer alive. You can pick up bodies the same wat you can inanimate objects. E is my use button, hold it down and the item should be movable.
Once you are holding it you shouldn’t need to keep the button pressed anymore. No judging: I found a raider that looked like my wife and carried her all the way back to Sanctuary.
Personally, I’d replace Preston on this list with “holding down the use button to carry around a dead molerat”
How’s a woman supposed to get anything done laying around on her back in the kitchen? Seems more of a safety hazard than anything else.
...Chimp Spanner. Do it. That needs to be done.
It doesn’t matter what it’s written on IMO as long as it sounds good. I’m just partial to actual hardware.
I also like to write themed music or tracks for games I wish existed. All my stuff is recorded off actual hardware (love my midiNES). Well, except for any SNES music. That’s done with soundfonts.
Followed. I’ll definitely check your stuff out. I also write chip music but haven’t published anything recently.
Ah, I’m always looking for new stuff to listen to. Stick with it!