The prop she’s using is 37 inches and the longest gladius ever found was 33 inches. Furthermore, a gladius (much like most swords) are given their length depending on who’s supposed to wield it and given Wonder Woman’s height, 35-40 inches would be the length of a full-fledged sword.

Missed that bit... Thanks. ^_^

I’m calling bullshit... I just did a fairly thorough search online, and not only are the no photos of this thing anywhere, the only source on it is that Korean site linked to in the article.
It’s not that this plant is impossible (it’s well within what other similar plants can do), but the different traits are rarely

Wonder Woman has the same benefit as Captain America, when it comes to dragging a shield with them everywhere they go: Superhuman strength and stamina makes it about as bothersome as carrying a newspaper.

Swords down one’s back is one of those tropes that while being visually striking, makes anyone that knows swords wonder what 10 year old green lighted that decision. And when we see it in real life, we only assume that the person at hand is either chronologically 10 or mentally 10, because otherwise there’s no excuse.

Let’s all have a moment of silence, to commemorate another real life event, that Wonder Woman punches troglodytes in their collective faces!

That may actually be the crux of the matter: These racist assholes might not be fundamentally hateful, as much as they’re living in uncertain times where the metrics of success and failure is not only on public display, but so immeasurably out of reach that many feel like they’re less than they could or wanted to be,

No, I’m not crying! You’re crying!!

That would have made Vader the first ever Sith to not kill his master, which is a cornerstone in the Rule of Two... But if so, then neither Vader or Luke was The One prophesized to bring balance to the Force.

Leia did look wonderful, but she’s also significantly easier to pull off than Tarkin, since Tarkin has a very angular face with jutting cheekbones, deeply-set cheeks and eyes, and a head shape more reminiscent of a light bulb, all of which gives the actor a very distinct look and lends him an air of evil when he

Unfortunately, while some forms of science can lack behind, they cannot fall that far behind without impacting all other fields, since science is an interconnected net of knowledge and not a bunch of isolated fields...Basically, you can play “six degrees of Kevin bacon” with all fields of science”, occasionally

It’s more likely that we’ll be hit by a stray projectile from a battle or waste ejected from a ship, than them having any reason to bother doing anything with or to our sun.

A fun fantasy and not wholly impossible, but if they can get here, they’d need technologies to survive that trip that’d make any of our attacks futile. And unless all other life on their planet was equally peaceful (insanely unlikely, given how evolution works), they’d know things can get violent and deadly.

Given that technology and the rate of progress build off existing technology, it’s fair to assume humans would master fire before building the first electron microscope... And traveling between stars and the tech I mentioned preceding such an advance, is - hypothetically - hundreds of times further apart in terms of

Indeed... Or nudge our planet out of orbit.

You’re confusing me talking about what an invasion would be like, with the likelihood of an invasion happening in the first place. ^_^

I know... But they did hand out an initial whooping akin to what alien invasion movies show.

I’m a realist to the bitter end... But still, I find it highly unlikely that any aliens would bother attacking us, much less still being a species concerned with war.

I’d assume so, as well.

I get your point, but by definition, nobody can have an IQ over 200, since 200 means all questions on the test were answered correctly... But even so, alien would undoubtedly be far more mentally advance than us, especially since we know that IQ increases among humans by 2-5 points per generation. And since these