Yes, and by “special investigator” Trump doesn’t mean “his family” and by “comb through Obama’s” he doesn’t mean “change the password and get a free”... Because he’s so rich, that he’s got the best Netflix account, specifically designed for the most biggest hands Netflix has ever seen!

Yeah, “Obummer”... Show us the real list, if it even exists!

Your mom’s reactions really depends on the inflection... For example, if it was a gleeful “again?” and your excited reply of “yes” resulted in a sick high-five, she’d probably be the coolest mom of the 20th century!

Haha... And we’re both winners, as I’ve now met someone with this combination. ^_^

Of course someone in the 3rd world would jump at the opportunity to work a shitty 1st world job, I’m not disputing that. But feeling sorry for them and for those who toil at Amazon (whether or not they’re the same person) aren’t mutually exclusive, because we’re talking about 2 different standards with no overlap

No, i just don’t assume my subjective experience reflects everyone’s experience... I believe it’s called Theory of Mind, that it’s suppose to be developed by age 6, and that it’s the root of a thing called empathy.

That’s an awfully specific combination of conditions and i must admit that I’ve never met anyone with that combination, so i can’t say if it’d happen.

No, that’s not the description of seasonal job! At least, it’s not the description in the rest of the western world.
At the job i had, i got 20 dollars an hour, which is the absolute minimum pay for the work i was doing... Which definitely made it much easier to endure.

No, i got your point: People are worst off, so anyone better off have automatically forfeited their right to complain.

They’d still talk with way more conviction and are way more likely to be a danger to nobody but themselves, but i get your point.

Yeeash, this comment section is already full of a lot of toxic people, who can’t seem to grasp that the article isn’t talking about people who whine about having to do a job, but about people placed in inhumane working conditions for shitty pay and then promptly let go when the rush is over.

True, but also about as irrelevant as mentioning that joblessness is high in Spain, given that the topic at hand is deplorable (by American standards) working conditions in an American Amazon warehouse.

While no link to genetics has been found nor likely to being found, the issue is actually based in neurology or more precisely in the BNST (Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis) of the brain’s thalamus, at the very top of the “reptile brain” of your brain stem.

Now playing

You say “losers”, i say awesome music!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence either, though... Especially since information theory has pretty much proven Benjamin Franklin’s quote of “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”, as anything secret is exponentially more likely to become known if more than 1 individual is keeping it.
So if

His “type” is also the least efficient, with most of them being caught in the act, loosing control over their victim, and the like.

Now playing

Since writing my comment, i found that the dude’s been positively identified as an amateur actor who’s worked with the YouTube channel 2150studio.

Now playing

It’s confirmed to be fake... The dude’s an amateur actor who normally works with the YouTube channel 2150studio, as reported by the Imgur article linked to from here.

Yeah, it looks fake as all hell... Hell, it actually sounds fake, as I’m pretty sure the acoustics don’t account for the shift in audio quality, making it likely that the shots were filmed with different microphones.

Natural selection is a sneaky SOB... ^_^