
Here’s our first good look at Domnhall Gleeson as General Hux. I’m not sure how I feel about his coat, but it does look very British, and in the Star Wars universe British does mean “evil.”

Not a bad idea.

Here’s to hoping that enough Constantine exposure through Arrow, will lead to the show being moved to CW after having a nice long soak in the Lazarus Pit.

Nerd (noun): Person who watches game footage on a major porn site.

Oh gods, where to begin with this. *facepalm*

We inherited it a looong time ago, but we allowed everyone to arrive at the realization themselves, just to soften the blow.

I didn’t say that movie goers wanted a dumbed down version, but Scott did fight against efforts to make him dumb it down.
And I’ll give you that it was a tad lackluster compared to Scott’s normal pace, but the story made perfect sense once you adjust for the fact that it was written as the first movie in a franchise,

Wow, i think we’ve just found the most badass and respect-inducing job title or ALL time! You could literally be named “Gaylord Van Der Smalldick-Sissy III”, follow it with “I’m a flawthrower-helicopter pilot slash firefighters, who specialized in successfully burning wildfires to death” and all the bikers, rock

Some nerd you are!

Dude, the f*ck are you talking about!? If anything, Star Wars has dropped from constantly breaking the Kessel run record, to moseying along at a leisurely pace with a narcoleptic Ewok.

Be nice! He just got back from his yearly full-body wax, and since he’s not posing for photographers, he’s clearly embarrassed.

And that photo is definitely not of a man in a reptile costume, nor is it a Power Rangers enemy that teleported into the wrong place... Quick, someone call Discovery Channel and tell them they have a new show!

Oh shit, maybe that’s the story they’re all missing: Curt Connors exposes himself to church-goers and motorists, in a 35 year long sexual assault of a no-name city!

I, for one, would like to welcome our new lizard overlords...

Well yes, that is the whole reason things like movie reviews or the YouTube channel CinemaSins exist in the first place: Nobody can make a story/movie/novel/poem, without it being flawed and capable of being “torn apart” with little effort.
Had that not been the case, movie reviewers would be seen as giants of

I’m not, which is why i started out by saying he “isn’t the originator, instigator or the only one doing it”.

That existential ice-cream story cracked me up something good.

In Okinawa there’s apparent a small sushi restaurant where snapping fingers gets punished. It’s the kind of place, where you can only sit in front of where the chef is working, which has the sorta quaint authenticity that attracts tourists.
The chef in question doesn’t like people snapping their fingers at him (it’s

While Michael Bay isn’t the originator, instigator or the only one doing it, I still put the blame on what i call “Bayist Cinema”... Or “movies who’s primary focus is keeping the audience’s attention through confusing fight/battle scenes, copious explosions, the force feeding of jokes so bad they don’t offend anyone,