Touché, my good leopard, i tip my hat to thee! You heard some human fool proclaim that leopards cannot change their spots, and went “Fuck it, I’ll just color them in, using a middle finger to idioms!”. ^_^

Am i the only one who noticed the 2 hidden ICHTHYS on the pummel and guard (hint: A hidden ICHTHYS feature a tail in both ends)?

... Protection to fend off strangers grabbing at your sweet plate of ham!

First off, I love reading the way you English speakers write Danish toponyms and names, frantically trying to avoid those 3 extra letters we have (Æ, Ø and Å, respectively). It makes me curious about how the heck you pronounce what you read, and whether we Danes could come up with more useful replacements.

Uh, i forgot to mention that.

In related news, I’ve just thought up a new exercise regime:

The rocks are part of the long fire in the center of the house...

The first!? I can assure you that all bottles of brennivin, mjød or otherwise, is empty if it’s been outside of the brewers hall for more than 15 minutes!

Here’s an excellent rule of thumb: If you’re on the coast of any stretch of land our forefathers occupied, you can throw a rock and have it land on the site of a long house.

While i cannot claim to have been in equally dangerous and/or perilous situations, I’m very familiar with the sensation he described.
When my stepdad last beat me (almost 2 decades ago), i have no idea how long his fists rained down on me. It felt like it could have been hours, and all i can remember is the horrible

I think the difference lies in whether one can accept reality or not. Allow me to break it down. ^_^

Oh no, Watson was a revolution of proportions at least of that of this chip. It’s not just an advance computer, it an example of programming so mindblowing and incredible, that it’s the equivalent of Windows 7 being programmed in 1991 instead of Windows 3.1, including making it capable of running on a 1991 computer

Thanks for catching my conversion error (I’m not an American, so metric is pretty much the only system i use).

Now playing

IBM always drops things this huge... Remember Watson?

Yeah, they’re still the largest computer and IT company on earth. But ever since they transitioned to R&D of industry tech, servers, supercomputers and chip architecture, as well as manufacture of server architectures and supercomputers, they’ve pretty much dropped off the map for the casual computer user.

Putting aside that my short list of examples span a wider spectrum than “personal issues” (mental illness, career problems, life problems and neurodiversity), unless we count all problems as someone’s “personal issue”, you’ve hit this square on the head: Doing psychedelics improperly and/or without preparation, can

Throw in “moist” and it’ll be an interesting night. ^_^

To expand your mind, get access to things filtered away by your brain, peek into you subconscious and experience things you didn’t even have a concept of before.
Oh, the stories i could tell...

Go home Google... You’re trippin’ balls!

Considering that i just sent this article to friends I’ve tripped with, that is a definite yes... But it’s more like psilocybin mushrooms than LSD, which is probably why you’re seeing mixed responses.
The difference between those, lies in the fact that LSD and LSA is “steerable”, in the sense that very little practice