Well, that's actually how pretty much every Titan in the franchise look: Humanoid and androgynous, with the sole signs of gender traits being vaguely male/female facial features and hair styles.

Relax people, i got this! ^_^

SHUSH! You know our benevolent, kind and all loving mechanical overlords don't like to be called out! Because - you know - they need to hide from the masses, to truly give us all their love, which is something we all totally want and welcome!

There's an awesome sci-fi story in there!

You can say what you want about Hawking, but he has an excellent sense of humor.

Viking genes! They grant us impossible victories through sheer willpower and thereby conquer smørrebrød as well. ^_^

Oh, it's the best! Come on by and ask for a mixed assortment (and if you're feeling brave, ask for "Sol over Gudhjem"). ^_^

On behalf of my fellow Danes, and probably even our Scandinavian brothers and sisters: Come at me, bro!

Of course it isn't alien life. A superficial application of either Occam's razor or Bayes' theorem, would place that possibility so close to impossible that "Moon Nazi's" or timetravelling humans would be more likely, while geographical/geological features, volcanoes and meteor craters would be at the very top.

Roommates can be trained... Or locked in a basement. ^_^

Good point.

Thank you. ^_^

I believe my soul just died a little...

Carbon monoxide is odorless and deadly, which is why its considered a major threat. So given that this was from trucks, she likely picked up on mixed-in trace gases, from the burning of the fuel.

Very interesting! It made me think, not just about whether or not I'm guilty of "gaslighting" women, but also something that seem related. Though, full disclosure, I'm bio-sex and gender male.

Bonus advice: Stop being afraid of the human body, get comfortable in your skin and start wearing less clothing while in your own home. This will basically cut wear and tear by the amount of time spent in your own home and the amount of clothing your physically/mentally comfortable wearing.

This wouldn't be a zombie-state inducing parasite, if there was a human version. Given the symptoms, it would likely be identical to a severe tapeworm infection in humans, since it doesn't create cannibalism in the shrimp, as much as it slowly starves it and activate existing survival behavior.

Here's the easiest way to tell: How would you react if it was applied to you and your gender?

Oh, for the love of the internet, not this shit again! Another rage-storm in the world of gaming, between 2 parties who're basically just shouting at the opposite side, because that side is shouting. And from what i can see, both sides are equally wrong and equally right, because they're both missed the f*cking point.

I don't get the "you should be flattered" argument either. Sure, it's flattering if a person confess their love to you once or twice, but anything beyond that point is just increasingly annoying until it hits "creepy as f*ck".