It's only natural for a language to split up into new languages, by first becoming a regional accent, then a regional dialect and finally a regional language.
Other things can affect this as well, like borrowed words/grammar/syntax, regional power shifts, linguistic isolation from root language, cultural extermination

That's how everyone everywhere thinks about their own accent, because they're so used to it that it merely becomes background noise or grey everyday speech.
Try to think of it like this: If you lived somewhere that only served you favorite dish, from the start and to the end of your life, you'll be bored sick of it

It sounds awesome, but I am a bit worried that 800 years might be too much to boil down into 1 movie. Instead, a trilogy might be in order.

How so?

These stories are what the world needs, because too many have been lulled into a state, where they view warnings of serious disease as mere superstition.
People have forgotten what it means, when a group of diseases kill 1,5-1,7 billion and cripple 10 times as many, during just the previous century and just within

I'm not trying to churn up fear, I'm trying to underline that this is serious. Had i told you not to cross a road without looking, would that make me someone churning up car-related fear?

Irrelevant, since we're talking about something that changed the industry, not which fork of Popcorn Time is the best.

Yes, but the exponential decrease means it can't spread through large vaccinated populations.

Damned be my incomplete spell-checking!

Problem is that neither of them is truly a perfect substitute, which the recent arrival of Popcorn Time proves. Not that it has to be free (that would be crazy), but Popcorn Time proved Netflix could be done with a minimal and nearly non-existent infrastructure, without delayed delivery and be coded over 2 weeks by a

Some people just never learn from history, it seems!

Someone get the SCP Foundation on the line!

What's in the cards for Scandinavian languages, of the Old Norse branch?

Well put, sir! I'd compare this piece of sub-intellectual fecal strain to Josef Mengele, but Mengele at least had the dignity of being honest about the intent of his job and effective at doing real medicine, while being by far the worst human to ever live.

That must be the weakest counter-argument I've ever seen on this site! I mention nothing about civil- or human rights, i point out what kinda solution only monsters would use and then provide you with a history lesson to underline the need for a solution, which doesn't need to be my solution as long as something is

Beneath the Thule base, obviously.

On the spectrum of politics, there's a hell of a lot of room between what i suggested and an authoritarian state. An authoritarian state would exterminate infected people and force anyone to get mystery injections, while what i suggested will merely provide an immediate drawback to making a bad choice.

Okay. ^_^