I know that it's a simulation of a very large structure under very particular forces, done purely through math and likely with an assumption of perfectly symmetrical placements of matter pre-supernova, but for an explosions this looks a little too symmetrical to me.

Tip your barista $100 and I'm betting the person will break their back trying to make you a supernova latte pattern. ^_^

Actually, yes!

Wait, WHAT!? No wings!??

That seems a little too gimmicky for Hydra... So how about:

I know that if every does it, it would destroy this amazing piece of art, but i still wanna put my hand on top of that hand, just to reach into the past. ^_^

You actually created a bit of a paradox there. ^_^

Neither. She's talking theropods with the ability to fly.

Given their size, you'd have to snuggle up to a large pile of them, to be in much danger. In all likelihood though, the little guy is more likely to panic and run away from you. Hell, modern seagulls are almost twice their size and they would run off as fast as possible.

Very impressive, even if there's a huge chronology problem of the Empire and Separatists not existing at the same time.

Doesn't bother me, given the alternative of sitting on his brother, who'd be likely do unspeakable horrors to butts.

Hey, i know this guys brother. ^_^

While you make some good points, there are a few, albeit minor, problems. So in no particular order, allow me address those.

Happy to help out. ^_^

"Pre-book"? I'm not familiar with that term.

Valid concerns and i know many are fired up over it, but it's not that "shady".

I have a different theory (headcanon actually) I've been holding onto for years. Stan Lee's are quantum entangled beings existing in all parallel universes and able to somehow subconsciously transfer subtle memories among the various Stan Lee's.

All this thing needs is a few tiny motors, some animatronics know-how and a wireless remote, so that when wearing it, you can push buttons on a hidden remote for this thing to pull on its joysticks, move it's head to look around or breathe. That would really pull this together and make it like 50 times more freaky for

My pleasure. ^_^