Some of these are a stretch and the worm from Dune is a huge no (it's a worm, one of the oldest and most widespread asexual form of life on our own planet), but this article is actually raising a good point, while never addressing it: Homophobia.

I've worked with LiftPort for over a year and i can tell you that if anyone is gonna do it, it's Michael. He's probably the most focused and hardworking person I've ever seen, letting nothing stop him from giving it 100%.
Hell, if you dumped him in a desert with no tools, i doubt it would slow down him R&D pace more

The linguistic angle is, well, not impressive at all. There are Island nations with a different language every mile you walk and many of them are linguistically separated by hundreds of years. And those are languages proper, not dialects.

I didn't actually say Odin was the most important deity to worshipers, but that he was simply the king of the gods. The difference is that i merely mentioned his rank/title within the mythology itself and not the importance of worshiping him.
But he was indeed mostly worshiped by leaders, as Danska often levitated

Watching the workings of DC Comics, is like watching the most Twilight Zone theme inducing sinking of the Titanic, where they not only crash into an iceberg, but perplexingly attempt to fix it by making their own holes along the haul.

This thing suffers greatly from a engineering problem not fully understood until the mid 90's: Snow buildup.

I think she chose to plug it with her body, in a glorious sacrifice for the Empire.

That's mighty stalker of you, but your information is way out of date. And besides, even if i once did call myself a satanist (LaVey'an, the atheistic kind), it has absolutely no bearing on any of this.

While most of these are very good, some feel uninspired or like a setup for a tween drama on Disney Channel.

With or without the Deacon, the movies would still extremely "alien tease", as it still takes place in the same universe and addresses one of the oldest fan speculations.

What in the world is wrong with you?

Well, the game is also besides the point, as i was interested in your opinion on the genre.

Don't mind if i do. ^_^

I'm just asking for you opinion on a genre and not making a statement. You brought it up and i got intrigued.

What's wrong with "tentacle rape"?


I recovered from hell using just my brain. ^_^ It might be more than a "rut", but it did teach me how to deal with what's positively delightful in comparison.

Not anymore than you would see between a motorcycle and a truck, which is why i included that analogy. But I'll break it down, using what's confirmed not to be special quirks resulting from host DNA:

Wow, this review is rife with errors, which is unlike you Annalee. But hey, we can all have off-days. ^_^

Canonically, that has never once been stated.