My problem with the show is that it still feels like fan fiction with fancy effects, but has yet to feel like it's actually happening in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If Coulson wasn't on screen in episode 1, I'd assume it's all some hard working fans homage from YouTube.

You forgot one scenario: Sanctuary Probes.

The devil gave them all TARDIS's so they could jump back and forth in time until they'd aged 4 million years.

Apparently, Nazi's are the real OG.

I'm 26 and years ago i came to realize that not everyone gets cookie-cutter relationships, so the best one can do is find the relationships that can work and then get one with one's life.
Otherwise, we just end up in one constant downward spiral trying to grasp at mirages (of other's relationships) in the horizon.

My point was that history has at least one example of a superpower going bad and making their own war.

in 1938, Germany was the undisputed superpower.

Wait, what? Unless they muck up the story and start including the kinds of elements that would ruin it, it wouldn't become a space opera.
Space opera's defining characteristic is that it's less "sci" than it's "fi", which usually is done by included (hidden) fantasy-genre magic and/or foregoing any explanation of the

So smoking campaigns are actually anti-avian campaigns emptying our skies of whatever can survive the smog?!

Nah, I'm planning to max out my Summon Prose spell and then put aside whatever is left for the Mighty Pen-Sword with +15 in Fallacy Destruction.

We don't have any evidence that we've ever had more than 1 moon, which itself is younger than the earth itself.
We once collided with a protoplanet named Theia, that was the size of Mars. But before that we had no moons at all and the "tsunami-like" 1000 mile wave of molten rock resulting from that impact is what made

Motorola is owned by Google, so them being stock-android isn't all that much of a surprise.

Ah, ok. ^_^

Didn't know we were competing, but I'll gladly take the trophy.

The bodies of hapless victims can take up quite a lot of room lying on the floors, so to maximize their traffic efficiency the dolls made a sound investment in meat-hooks to suspend overflow in mid-air during the busy months.

In all likelihood we won't see much of the original alien species, given that:

I'm sorry to tell you this, but unless you're getting surgery at the dentists where they need to cut into you or pull out a tooth, the masks are just for show. Those who use them (outside of the aforementioned scenarios) merely put them on to comfort the patient and given them a sense a sterility.

When i was 11, I'd been pestering my dad to let me watch Alien when we visited Blockbuster every Saturday. The look of that VHS tape cover on the shelf, with it's unreal alien body and its black glistening animalistic skin effortlessly blending into darkness just made my young mind too curious to let it go.

By that logic, no one can be geniuses, as "one of us is as smart as all of us".

Never. After all, it's probably one of the most noble pursuits human can do, as it ripples into the future leaving a trail of progress in its wake. ^_^