I would think the next step would be to improve prosthetics beyond what a human body part could do.

Wow, people must be badly informed to need such a list (no offense meant).

1. If you like science, realism, meticulous plots lines and brilliant minds in near constant combat, then yes. Or as one guy put it: "Walter White. Weapon of choice: SCIENCE!"

Once again, i completely agree with you. The stigma created far exceeds it's intended purpose of making people aware of a danger, to a degree were it actually reinforces what it's suppose to protect.

Sorry to poke holes in radio signals, but data decay pretty much destroy signals by the time they've passed Alpha Centauri (our nearest neighbor) and even the best radio based signal wouldn't be able to get more than 5 light-years away from earth before the decay will make it look like the random noise it passes

Oh, i completely agree. This is very gray area and a very slippery slope.

Worst Bond movie ever. And i say that as someone who cut the movie a hell of a lot of slack thanks to the villain being Danish.

Now anime beards doesn't look all that wild. ^_^

First tip from a fellow beard grower: You gave up too quickly. ^_^

Alcohol is mainly a depressant (as in it impairs normal brain functions related to movement, balance and senses) and an euphoric, but in very large doses it can act as a relaxant as a side-effect of the depressive effect.

Actually, evaporated mouth water would be the bulk of that rain. Imagine Germans trying to make that something to be proud of.

Wow, just wow. The sheer ignorance of basic human nature, history and the workings of science is just breathtaking.

Ultimately, isn't this as pointless and uncertain an exercise as a Cambrian fish imagining what it would look like on land? Or australopithecus trying to imagine what a better tool could do for it?

Unless a 4D singularity is sentient and willed its own event horizon, creationism is out.

Would it be wrong to have a business card printed with this picture of the Milky Way on the back and the text "For address, see other side" on the fron?

Find new lair for my villainous endeavors. Check.
Kill Bond. Double check.
Take over the world. Pending...

Don't be silly! ^_^ There's nothing down h... Wait, what was that noise?

Audrey might be one of the best cases for cloning historical individuals. ^_^ Because unlike behavior, skill or other learned behavior, her looks would require nothing more than a descent diet to bring out.

Nuclear level destruction in 3... 2... 1...

I read about a guy who did it a few years ago. ^_^ He purchased a bunker with 2 silo's for intercontinental nukes and converted them into 6 2-story apartments for 4 person families (with their own toilets, showers and everything).