It would have been a good opportunity to do a “morning Ralph... morning Sam” type of interaction. Like have Dan Akroyd shush one of the newer cast members and then hand the ghost a book for her to stamp.

Freedom of speech protects his right to be a bigot and a bully, and it protects our rights to call Dave Chappelle a piece of shit hack. Shit cuts both ways. 

He isn’t out there advocating for anything terrible, and he’s definitely a person who would not stand for actual harm being done to anyone.

While attempting to “moon” the sun at the same time.

What? Why would anybody expect what was in the trailer to be high-level gameplay and not a wholistic representation of the game? And your Eikon point is silly because the trailers also showed regular fighting, and never made it seem like you would constantly be fighting Eikons, although you do fight Eikons early in

Hmm I don’t know about all that. I think the author is totally in the right. Every preview or article for this game in pre-release was like “Pokemon with guns”... Pretty much “all” they showed was high level stuff, now that I’ve played it.

IIRC it was in fact structured as a six-episode series and got cut to five pretty late in the process. See also Maya going from being pretty selfish to self-sacrificing fairly quickly.

But you also don’t even have to focus on a different demon or faith. Pazuzu is a real mythological deity and the Catholic church is a real organisation. You cannot trademarm or copyright either of them.

Is it just me or is the number of slideshows steadily increasing? Because I can’t take this many articles plastering a half-page ad for several seconds whenever the screen refreshes. Just today, it was the Star Wars toys article, the “Best Marvel TV Shows” article, and now this. Come on.

Right? There’s a lot of value to the idea of something showing the margins of the MCU, the stuff that wouldn’t get attention paid to it by the movies, but it doesn’t work if you don’t make it clear to the show creators what the margins are and how they can use them. The season five finale is implied to be happening

Nah. Part of terminal MCU brain is thinking that every character in an MCU film needs to have deep lore. It’s not true. It’d be like saying you need a movie for every new character introduced in the first Fast & Furious.

remember season 1 where they couldn’t say Hydra right up until the end?

ESPN putting his show on at any time was a terrible idea. McAfee went over the line a long time ago.

Pat McAfee gets it.

Ah yes, instead of making exciting new ways of using OG Mickey or even just faithfully creating new cartoons in the same style of Steamboat Willie, we automatically go with the tired (“What if the mouse was a serial killer?”) shitty horror games and movies.

Looks like it’s gonna be just as shitty as the Pooh horror movie.

S2 was fantastic and they did a better job mixing the serialized plots and stand alone EPS.

I don’t know why you would need to recast one Kang, just give Kang a recognizable facial scar and cast as many people as you need as different Kangs who all have the scar, there were alligator and Richard E. Grant Lokis, the Kangs don’t all have to be the same

All that’s going on is the person who wrote this is bad at the “writing” part of his job, great at the “content-creation” part of his job, and presumably isn’t worried that being minimally critical won’t cost him access to the actors when Deadpool drops