regulating huge mergers and monopolies are kind of a big deal.

It’s a major U.S. business. Maybe it’s not making steel or building computers, but it is a billion-dollar industry so when it takes part in prima facie fuckery, it should get at least some scrutiny.

And golly, who’s mostly in the middle/upper class? White straight dudes.

This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all

The hacksaw scene is the precisely the way to sum up the series. It reminds me of the quote about Trump politics: “the cruelty is the point.” It’s far more torture porn than Saw or even Hostel ever was.

(Ok, maybe I do understand the appeal, I just don’t share in it)

I know there are people that love this series, but I find it absolutely devoid of redeeming value. Both of them are plotless, joyless slogs, with the second one so slow I think it was an intentional effort to test the audience.

Hiddleston’s “Don’t set the multiplier down because it WILL roll off...” had all the barely-concealed exhaustion of a parent who REALLY wants to yell at his kid, but he’s in public in front of other parents and can only half smile as he whisper-screams at the kid who keeps making the same mistake. Perfection.

That's what I thought. It's also the policy at almost every retail store that offers discount codes and sells gift cards.

The only movie I can think of that came out recently that is really connected to a TV show was the newest Dr Strange one and you basically get all the background you need in the movie anyhow. The new Ant Man is the third one, so it would have been good to watch the first two, but no TV viewing was required. Sure, Kang

“If you miss one or two, you’re behind, and it isn’t worth watching something new until you’ve caught up, but eventually you’re so far behind that catching up or keeping up feels like a chore.”

and fnaf, both the games and this film, is obsessed with how “good and edgy it thinks it is. Both the movie and the games fell into the trap of thinking “more lore = better story” and the characters just felt like uncanny caricatures. In a lot of ways it’s the perfect adaptation. But when your source material is a

This ignores the fact that EVERY time a bad movie does well there’s a fair amount of speculation as to why. It has nothing to do with the age of the questioner or being “fucking out of touch”.

For those like me who had forgotten:

True, but I don’t think the ones that are released year-round tend to be aimed towards kids so much as people seeking actual horror.

I don’t know what the critics were reacting to. It wasn’t amazing, very logical or even particularly scary

Which is pretty on-brand for FNAF, really. It’s always been a franchise that I liked the IDEA of but the execution just never got there.

Just an incredibly terrible movie from start to finish but the goal is just to get the kids in the seats based off the idea of the game. Doubt the sequels will do so well now that people have seen it.

When I heard this was PG-13, at first I was disappointed, but as I thought more on it, I realized that it was the right choice. Namely because of the age of the target audience, and also, because the games themselves contain little or sometimes no graphic content. The first game was just jumpscares, no blood or gore.

watched this last night with my partner. The movie was suuuuper bad, it was so hard to tell if it was the writing, the acting or the directing that was a mess, or all three, but oof. Went in expecting it to be mediocre but fun even if it’s bad movie fun, but it was barely even that.

Ok but have you considered that whatever kind of shows/movies Marvel makes are always going to be wrong and bad? Like, you know how the second season of Loki has been highly enjoyable so far? Well, that’s wrong, it’s in a sophomore slump because superhero fatigue, dummy!