TBF, there is a LOT of antisemitism in the criticism of Israel, and any criticism that calls for the end of the Jewish state itself is inherently antisemitic. 

Yeah, that’s a pretty good thought actually. If season 1 was more about looking back, and seeing alternate events from what we’ve already seen, season 2 could be about looking forward.

regulating huge mergers and monopolies are kind of a big deal.

It’s a major U.S. business. Maybe it’s not making steel or building computers, but it is a billion-dollar industry so when it takes part in prima facie fuckery, it should get at least some scrutiny.


And golly, who’s mostly in the middle/upper class? White straight dudes.

This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all

The hacksaw scene is the precisely the way to sum up the series. It reminds me of the quote about Trump politics: “the cruelty is the point.” It’s far more torture porn than Saw or even Hostel ever was.

(Ok, maybe I do understand the appeal, I just don’t share in it)

I know there are people that love this series, but I find it absolutely devoid of redeeming value. Both of them are plotless, joyless slogs, with the second one so slow I think it was an intentional effort to test the audience.

It’s weird how many people seem to be criticising things not being explained - like the Supreme Intelligence Dead = Resources Gone link - which were explicitly explained in the movie. Even Jeremy Jahns on YT, who I generally like, had a big whiny “spoilers chat” about it where he complained about two or three things

They explicitly mention the Tarnax IV colony in Secret Invasion during Fury and Talos conversation on the train about 1 milllion skrulls on Earth that Fury didnt know about (making The Marvels set after Secret Invasion). It seemed like the skrull population was split between there and coming to Earth and there was

Hiddleston’s “Don’t set the multiplier down because it WILL roll off...” had all the barely-concealed exhaustion of a parent who REALLY wants to yell at his kid, but he’s in public in front of other parents and can only half smile as he whisper-screams at the kid who keeps making the same mistake. Perfection.

I don’t disagree with your sentiment but I find it incredibly odd that you went to a Marvel movie on a Thursday opening night, comment in fan communities, and you’ve seen NONE of the TV series?

You didn’t watch it, don’t lie.

I remember a lot of things about this place...

Yeah for like an hour or two until a few minutes ago. There was a certificate error in the background. Pretty common form of IT outage for anyone, but especially for companies with an Herb cutting costs.

Thank you. The Lokis knew the TVA went boom, but nobody knew everything was going to spaghetti until Sylvie watched her record shop unravel. 

That's what I thought. It's also the policy at almost every retail store that offers discount codes and sells gift cards.

It’s ... weird to me how a scene that was meant to be horrifying, obscene and a shocking moment of just how monstrous Omni Man was in Invincible, is played as some moment of cool violent punctuation in a video game. I do wonder how the MK art team don't suffer from PTSD making these things.

Ok but have you considered that whatever kind of shows/movies Marvel makes are always going to be wrong and bad? Like, you know how the second season of Loki has been highly enjoyable so far? Well, that’s wrong, it’s in a sophomore slump because superhero fatigue, dummy!