You sound like someone who is ashamed of their words and deeds.
You sound like someone who is ashamed of their words and deeds.
Kotaku is absolutely horny on main and trying to justify it as "journalism."
Well yeah, back when Kotaku actually tried to do a bit of journalism they would have correctly identified what this legislation was trying to do.
It’s not even that. Because TikTok would just change hands. Which would be a good thing.
Yeah but this is Kotaku. They just want the reactionary take.
Admittedly, this is probably what would happen if Zordon tried recruiting “teenagers with attitude” nowadays.
Congrats to Campbell for getting paid.
You know, seeing Mouser there...the second movie should leave the Mushroom Kingdom and go to Subcon.
No, that’s a you thing.
Except they’re being secretive about this game specifically when they haven’t previously.
I think the new Mario voice situation was because Martinet hadn't officially announced his retirement yet and they didn't want that to be how it went down.
Dude comes off as completely insufferable.
Is the book series this show based on already done? I don’t like the showrunners track-record when it isn’t.
Tim & Eric.
Okay, but if we’re being honest here...a bunch of kids thinking they’ve hit the jackpot by grabbing a ticket to the Wonka Experience only to get inside and learn it’s a horrifying nightmare is lore accurate.
....then don’t do the sidequests?
If I were Marvel, I’d use this opportunity to just take one of the established characters (ex: Val) and reveal she’s been a Kang Variant this whole time.
Wow, you can tell from the comments that Beast’s army of unpaid workers are running PR for him.
Fuck off. The employees job is to keep the stote stocked, but when they’re understaffed and overworked the store managers help dictate what gets prioritized.
I dunno Zack, kinda feels like you’ve lost track of what joy is in general. Like, this is the kind of overreaction Kotaku used to mock back in its heyday.