
Baby steps, my friend. I see it the same way I see it when it comes to people like me (black): the first step is getting them to pull their head out of their ass enough to realize that black/Asian/Hispanic actors are just as talented as their white counterparts, THEN maybe we can start to teach them that there’s more

As a guy who watched DBZ all the time as a kid, and recently wanted to catch up to Super... definitely watch kai. Regular Z was something like 194 episodes to the end of the cell saga (which wasn’t even the end of the show), whereas Kai was I think 98 episodes to the same point. And it’s a tighter, better story for

To be fair, Hawaii Five-O hired Meaghan Rath (US Being Human), who is half East-Indian, to fill one of those spots. So they really only lost 1.5 Asians, all told

I gotta admit, This kind of made me laugh. It reminds me of a story my dad, a white guy, told me. Basically, he grew up with a version of “Eenie, Meenie, Miny, Moe” that included “catch a nigger by the toe.” He was so used to it, he never actually realized what he was saying until he began dating my mother, a black

This makes me sad. I really like Britt Robertson, but she seems to only be able to pick bad things to star in.

This is sort of a funny comment, because Aziz/Dev are millenials (albeit at the older edge of that category). All that texting and agonizing over texting is pretty true to the millenial dating experience, as opposed to just trying to be relatable

I get the sense that your theory about Ryder and Harper being somehow directly connected to Cerberus. However I think they’re only in charge of the human contingent, not of the entire arc/nexus mission as a whole. So maybe colonization was always the goal?

Presumably some of the organizers may have known of Shepard’s claims, but as far as the public (i.e. The civilians that make up the vast majority of people making the trip) wouldn’t know about an impending invasion, or the existence of Reapers at all. Remember, the official story was that Sovereign was simply a

Small nitpick: you are decidedly not refugees, as the Arc ships all left the Milky Way before the events of ME3. So (not counting one character’s potential ties to The Illusive Man) no one knows they have anything to run away from.

My justification for continuing to watch Tom Cruise movies: Either I get to see awesome stunts, or I read about how Tom Cruise died doing an awesome stunt. Win/win

Come on Bolivia... it’s just like how in the Madden series, people actually show up to Jacksonville games — it’s fiction.

I was playing The Division, tooling round in the dark zone waiting for my roommate to log on and join me. I got in a fight that quickly went sideways on me, and before I knew it, I was crawling around behind an abandoned car, hoping my roommate would make it to me in time to get me up. It wasn’t looking good though.

In regards to your first point, I had a similar thought, so I cranked up the difficulty and made a bunch of noise in that one military base. I definitely felt like the stealth approach will be advisable in some of the tougher situations beyond the beginning areas. I’m with you on the “where’s the lethal takedowns” bit

That, plus it looks like it will take less skill points to fully upgrade the binoculars than the drones, meaning you can trade off somewhat less recon ability for more skill points in other areas if you so choose.

I got the sense, based on the colors of the map icons, that clearing an outpost or village or what have you in the main game will actually put it into rebel hands, like in the recent far cry games. This, in all fairness, is the conclusion I came to based on the flavor text that pops up when highlighting particular

I’m curious what would actually happen if a Single state decided to just not pay like that.

Launched before the events of ME3, when the imminent Reaper invasion was not public knowledge. Privately funded, not citadel/government/shephard sponsored. It seems Bioware wants the “hopeful explorer” vibe, not the “beleaguered survivor” vibe.

The ark ships left after ME2, before the Reapers were common knowledge. 4 arks, each made by a different species (presumably human, Asari, Turian, and Salarian) plus the nexus ship (meant to serve as a new Citadel to the Milky Way species once they’re settled.) the videos are in-universe recruitment vids, so they were

The Andromeda Initiative is privately funded, it’s not part of the Systems Alliance Navy. So it’s not military at all.

Me too. Perhaps a distorted communication sent into the void, largely unreteievable, but it’s clear that... something... has happened back home