actually Chewie was 225 years old when he died, and 200 in A New Hope.
actually Chewie was 225 years old when he died, and 200 in A New Hope.
it's not true don't worry. He dies in the books, which are no longer canon
90%... Naw, probably 95% of hate on "casuals" is dumb. It's similar to when comics started to get a bit "mainstream" and the people who had previously been shunned as comics nerds would get mad at "normals" reading them. It's understandable from an immature perspective, but short sighted and stupid.
last Thursday
there's a crouch button now, that's gotta be at least a muffled step in the right direction
Fun is subjective. Stealth games selling enough to keep warranting new stealth games is objective. Objective trumps subjective, therefor you are wrong.
but there's only two (in Western European based culture)
you and I are different then, because for me DA:O convos were just awkward, mood interrupting pauses, not dialogues. I have no problem reading convos in games where no one is voiced, but in games where everyone BUT me is voiced, it pulls me out of the moment too much.
the heterochromea is the one that might not work out for you. Albino, most likely do-able. Male build with female hair is a maybe, depends if they gender lock the character creator, or leave it open like, say, Saint's Row where you can pick any hairstyle. Unfortunately I don't see cross dressing as a possibility (not…
I'm saying economically, there's no way a studio will ever convince a producer to fund that. Independent dev labor of love — maybe. Though the time that would take would edge on the better part of a decade, and it would necessarily have to play on old tech. Which still wouldn't have the result you're thinking, because…
is a trans woman not a woman? Or a trans man not a man? Their sex may be different (no reason why your head-canon can't reflect that) but they are still either gender.
he rolls under the Wyvern
If you can't, it'd be the first Bioware game in years where you couldn't.
which others would you like?
Purple never gets any ending love. *sigh*
I'm confused about what you mean there? Not about the decisions not meaning anything, but about the canon arcs?
Jars of bees? Now I must design a character that looks like Oprah
their bromances and whatever the female correspondent of that is get just as much work put in as their romances do. It's the media/internet who puts all the focus on their romances. I mean, the Shepard/Garrus friendship (regardless of Shepard's gender) is the single greatest video game relationship of all time. Better…
what you're talking about would require either a crazy long and expensive development cycle, in a time where studios are going bankrupt like every other week, or having two separate studios working on the same game at the same time to create two separate stories which would inevitably feel disjointed, not to mention…
I've never once had that problem in either franchise. And non-voiced characters in this day and age seem like a weird telepathic mute in a sea of otherwise chatty people.