
I've decided that my attitude towards porn stars is pretty much how I feel about performance artists.

It bothers me that porn starts aren't viewed as people. I guess really I should have picked up on that a lot earlier, but to have it basically spelled makes me so sad.

So much head shaking:

Men have actually expressed disappointment about the real female body of a woman who was willing to sleep with them??? Fucking. Idiots.

Do people actually have sex on demand no matter what? That seems harder to imagine.

Yes. And sometimes husbands turn down their wives or husbands. Not everyone is always in the mood.

I like it like I like Prometheus. I really hate that the story is a failure, but it's a great world to visit and good sci-fi ideas at heart.

I think technically Riley counts as "Fragile Male Ego."

Featuring these images without any mention of who the women are or what sport they compete in is contributing to the problem. Yeah, you're saying "this is crap." But why not actually ID the women and call out why they are bad ass—like, "Svetlana Kolmykova is a power forward for the ice hockey team, yet they just have

<clutches pearls> Mother Russia... Protect the children from this dangerous sexual propaganda!

I wish they had kept the wedding night the way it was in the books. I like that they aged Dany up (and some of the other characters), but you're right how that night really humanized Drogo and showed he wasn't all about violence and horses. In the show, he's never able express that level of tenderness or depth, which

The eyes on the female characters typically have some longer lashes. Lips are an "M" shape as opposed to a straight line like the males have. And they have narrowed waists painted on the front. Look at a few of the comments around here with some of the female figures posted in images. The waist is tapered in

I like that the proposed sets showed a variety of ways to show the characters were female, some had long hair some had lipstick, without going the now-typical Lego route of giving them waistlines as part of the torso graphic.

Hair and lip shape (men have just a line for a mouth, women have M-shaped lines). Some women minifigs have boob-designs too.

She preferred to clasp her hands in prayer to than to use them to do any real work.

Indeed. I'm not a fan in general, but Christopher Hitchens wrote a great book about it:

Hey, better to gild a statue than waste a donation on morphine for some cancer patient who's just going to die anyway.

Am I the only one who sees this and thinks, "Zombie!" ?

fuuuuu- and wasnt england just getting busy with blocking porn and anything sex-related from the internet? dear lord... this will only intensify the issue.