That's like 90% of everyone.
That's like 90% of everyone.
After a 12,000-strong petition on demanded a "report abuse" button on Twitter, inspired by a recent spate…
I agree. I think this would have worked better if the men were exemplifying a 'male ideal' in the same way that the women in the original video exemplified a 'female' ideal (i.e., thin, beautiful, sexual etc). The guys needed to be muscly and "man"-ish and shown to have massive packages or something. The campy…
This pic of JGL works because it sends up the premise of garter belts being feminine - and he's someone who's identified (through film roles) as being straight. The video falls flat it feminizes men to objectify them, rather than hyper-masculinizing to make its point. It's the difference of Brad Pitt donning a dress…
Um, okay, well the twink in me personally loves this video, but I don't understand why the men had to wear overdone makeup in the video for it to be a gender swap. Because it comes off as a little strange giving the men in the video 'women things' while the women in the original weren't outfitted with 'men things',…
I'm a man so maybe I just do not get this but why does everything every woman on the planet does have to be judged on the FEMALE EMPOWERMENT SCALE?
If you're going to call out her headline, I'm gonna have to call out yours, how about "XOJane lied and said her rape happened at Disneyworld?" Your headline makes it sound like she lied about the actual rape, not just its location. Perhaps their headline was attention-grabby but it was only slightly inaccurate.
I'm pretty much done with anyone who describes rape as a "something stupid." Leaving the house wearing new pants that still have the size sticker on them is doing something stupid. Rape is a fucking felony. Learn the difference, world.
Duh, elbows are boobs.
Everything you've said about the DM are the reasons why so many people read the DM.
Reading the Daily Mail, giving them page-views and advertising revenue, actively works against the stuff you're normally fighting for, namely the equitable treatment of women and LGBT people. They're not going to change if you keep on buying their product.
Ever heard of that phrase 'Don't feed the trolls'? Reading the Daily Fail is doing exactly that. Your addiction is paying the wages of vile bottom-feeding paps who think it's perfectly okay to take pictures of largely no-talent media identities — and worse, their children — on a daily/hourly basis Just Because.
I find the comments section even more depressing than the copy itself. Without fail, any article about any woman is accompanied by a large number of people like "Phil from Toluca Lake" who's more than happy to give his assessment of every category of woman who should never be seen in public — too trampy, too boring,…
I totally get the "freedom fighter needs a break every so often" idea. However, DM gets $ every time anyone clicks on their site. More $ means more of exactly what you are fighting against. So its kinda like you're Sysiphis pushing the ball up the hill all day doing "freedom fighter" stuff, then clicking on DM and…
Eh, read what you like. Enjoy it.
"We only review or remove photos after they have been reported to us by people who see the images in their News Feeds or otherwise discover them.
No... Thank YOU! You are the reason I did it. I chose to pose for the specific purpose that if I helped even one person it'd be worth it. I'm so honored that I may have made your experience just a little bit better. I know that I will never forget the first photo I saw that made me feel like, "Yes. It can be okay…
When I was diagnosed at the age of 30, the SCAR Project photos helped me. It made me realize that I could get through all the horrific surgeries, and it won't be the end of the world. I'd still be me, just a different body than what I was used to. Thank you for posing. It helped people like me.
I may not have nipples or real breasts, but at least I'm not a jackass. My scars are a helluva lot prettier than your personality.
angry at the patriarchy for objectifying women