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I don't anyone could get away with a reversal of this ad.

From next month the BBFC will decide such things in the UK. And Youtube says it might take their age ratings. So look forward, America, to having age gates on videos decided by a bunch of Brits.


In the UK there is a proposal to criminalise the buying of sex and decriminalise selling it. The proposal has a snag though, it proposes prostitutes be given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) which limits the actions of the person it is given to. An ASBO in itself is not a criminal instrument but breaking the

I'm not sure those comparisons work. Those people would be considered by most people as harming others in various manners. Very few people consider prostitutes as people who harm others.

Fringe had very strong individual episodes in my opinion, but overall it was a mess. It never seemed to know what it was about. Was is about a pattern of weird events? Was it about a rogue scientist creating weird animals? Was it about a war with an alternate universe? Was it about time travelers who wanted to

Sorry. Didn't mean to come across as snarky.

Yes. It would surprising if a rich man picked a woman substantially older than himself.


I'll be honest, I don't really know what a plus-sized model looks like. I really only have three categories for people when comes to size: looks healthy, looks dangerously overweight, and looks dangerously underweight.

As the old saying goes "A government so small it fits right in the bedroom" or in this case the locker-room.

Scully and Anderson's portrayal of her made the X-Files work. An amazing actress.

From April music videos in the UK will be rated? Does this merit a 12, 15 or 18 rating?

Something tells the results would be disturbing.

I'm actually quite hesitant to see what people are searching for.

I have a similar issue with prostitution. I'm not particularly adverse to it in theory, though there are problems about how it would sit within our society and what message it would represent in our society, but the practical of issues regarding violence towards and the control of prostitutes does make me question the

I think it is sad too. It seems for a lot of people, whether they are pro-porn or anti-porn, they (along with strippers and prostitutes) are considered different from other people. It's probably why many of them face so much difficulty in those occupations and why they find it difficult to leave them.

Got a source for that condom statistic?

The -g still is dropped in many northern areas.

It was Riley I couldn't stand. Does he count as a sidekick? I suppose part of his character was that he couldn't stand being one.