
Don't these idiots realise how damaging it is to their "cause"? I mean it's OK to take issue with aspects of feminism, even feminists debate them, but these people are so crude and awful when referring to women and feminism that quite often they prove exactly what feminists say about male-female interactions and

Hear, hear.

They probably consult the same person Google does when it comes to Youtube.

The timing is right though, as Bethesda do release their RPGs around every 3 years.

Silly, isn't it, that you should fear the consequences of a legal and harmless activity.

Depressingly, I think you're right. I just can't understand the appeal of making someone's life hell, particularly when they haven't wronged you.

Has this article been linked somewhere recently? I'm curious as to why my 2 year old comments are getting recommended and why there has been a surge in responses.

I don't know who's worse, those that promote porn along gender lines or those that are aghast when women express an interest in, as though they've broken some unwritten rule.

I find it odd that 50 Shades of Grey is seen as a breakthrough for women reading sexual explicit books. My grandmother had a small library of books with sexually explicit scenes.

I agree. I found the relationship between Carrie and her mother compelling, which is something remarkable considering that it isn't given much space to develop in what is a relatively short book.

I think the same. When somebody says they'll donate $1 million to a charity if X happens, I always ask why not just donate the money instead of effectively gambling with it.

I asked the same question. The answer would be interesting to know regardless of the what it is. The number of and cost of beauty products used by the sampled men would also be interesting to know.

There should be a comparative study investigating when men feel ugly.

I thought the same. Moran seems to have a knack for alienating potential allies with her "you're in, you're out" statements.

What are your thoughts on the idea that twerking is a sexual and degrading act?And that to perform it in front of children is highly inappropriate?

I've seen a theory floated from two different sources that many people have wanted to attack twerking because they see as sexual and degrading for years, but they where afraid to because it is seen as part of black culture and thus didn't want to be seen as attacking that in the process. Miley Cyrus being white and

I don't believe written permission before hand would actually make it not rape or in other words consensual legally. I think the ability to withdraw consent at any time is just as important as the ability to provide consent at any time.

Better drop my idea for a Thighlights app, eh?

Didn't LA also vote, at the same time, against a law that would require genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as such on food packaging?

I've also read certain comments that suggest that some people didn't care about the condom issue, but voted in favor to simply rid LA of the industry.