
I think that's already happened, unless they've been doing things off the books.

Only if they reside in LA county and want to make money of it.

If remember correctly, the way the law is written demands that no fluids (including spit) should ever be likely come into contact with another person.

I hope he managed to deal with this. It's one thing to have a particular fetish in addition to 'normal sex' (a term which I've never seen defined when used, BTW), but it's quite another to be physically ill with anything other than the fetish.

Wasn't there a discussion in film or TV show about whether Smurfs were mammals or something else? I seem to remember it was caused by Smurfette being the only female and the questions about her role in society.

I too have read about the renting of space and stage, and that it is often in no way linked to the profit a stripper may make in a night, so in some cases a stripper may actually make a loss during a night. To me that aspect is intolerable.

Do you think that there are too many women trying to be pornstars?

The cat was why I clicked on this article!

Well, I think most of the contributors recognise that there are issues with porn, but unlike some feminists, they don't draw a border around all of it then try to bomb it out of existence.

Yeah, the moving in is unusual and not something I've actually heard of before.

In the UK this seems reasonably common, at least when both are above 16. It would be interesting to plot attitudes to this across the world.

Essentially the images we are talking about are porn and/or images in which women are in sexual poses/dress.

When a person takes a sexual selfie and posts it on the internet, what is or should be the appropriate response?

I've recently been watching Enterprise, for the first time since it first ran, and in my opinion it's not as bad as people make out.

It rests on whether it negatively affects the viewers, which has been a debated point for decades.

I'm not sure everyone agrees that porn is a morally neutral activity.

That's when it died for me too. I didn't bother with 3 at all.

I've always thought that Perry was better off without him.

I was thinking about this myself, and I agree that this is part of much wider issue of abuse and threats on the internet. It seems to me a lot people are unwilling or incapable of debating issues or topics in a civil manner, and they tend to immediately attack the person rather than their actions or ideas.

"Damned if you do, damned if you don't" - pretty much sums up most issues women seem to face from I've seen.