
Interesting the unnamed mother makes reference to what must their husbands think and how the organiser wasn't allowed to attend by her husband. Interesting things to say and ask that could be interpeted in a few ways, from mere curiousity to the implication that a wife must be subservient to her husband.

Interestingly a feminist group slammed newspapers in the UK for focusing on sportswomen's physical attributes.

It's probably the possibility of sex occuring, it usually is.

That's encouraging news for those of us who think that information is better than prohibition.

A few questions.

A very similar thing is happening in the UK in regards to sex shops and strip clubs (or as the law calls them Sexual Entertainment Venues), and their locations. Some councils have outright said they don't want any.

A government so small it fits right into your bedroom.

Are the terms, 'mate' and 'pal' used for male strangers comparable?

I've been thinking as to why some men and indeed women don't show sympathy/empathy to rape victims. For some perhaps they've never experienced anything remotely physically threatening and then been afraid to speak up about it.

Interestingly there are a few women/girls on that list too.

I'd like to find who came up with 'surprise sex' line and have words with them.

The driving sections felt like filler for the most part, providing the transition for set pieces.

Even if being gay was a choice, I'd still defend those peoples rights.

A mixture of all the reasons you stated I suspect. While rape is of course reported in the news regularly, I don't believe many people give it too much thought in a serious manner unless it suddenly occurs to them or they become aware of someone they know being a victim.

I can see an issue with that though. If a government was to make something that you and/or a group didn't want to be a crime, then they might use any speech you make to argue against it being a crime as evidence of promoting that crime.

Smacks head against laptop.

If we assume that traditional gender roles are designed to get women pregnant as soon as possible, perhaps once it has been achieved maintaining the tradition is no longer as important because they (the women) are now tied through the child to the relevant men. Of course in the not so distant past the tie was likely

It is interesting that the birth of a male child should see a decrease in support of traditional roles too.

He and his wife split 18 years ago, yet she paid for the apartment for all those years?

I agree with making women aware that there are places and people who can help them if they are having issues with your family.