
It's an old tactic used to humilate women that at least goes back at least 70 years. Parisians cut the hair of women who associated with German soldiers for instance. It probably goes back even further.

As a man I've never seen the appeal of it myself.

I don't see why pubic hair should be such an issue for people.

I agree. Everything from education, wealth, type of employment, relationships and interests should be investigated to determine if there is a link between them and the inclination for man to rape.

More Gymkhana?

I tend to play these games on and off for months, just playing it without any particular goal in mind.

I concur, if you look at those quotes with consent in mind, most of the rapist quotes are easy to identify as they talk about the woman's consent being "given" via dress or their actions. The magazine quotes instead do not, except for the last one perhaps, give the impression of the woman's consent being disregarded

If men initially agree with the rapists over the magazines and accepting that there is a difference in language, then I don't really see how magazines like this can come under fire for causing men to think and say rape condoning things. At least not directly as some might assert.

Smash means fast paced sex.

8 and 12 are from magazines.

8 is from a magazine isn't it? As it 12.

I think notion of "playing hard to get" has done men and women no good. I don't know if many people really believe it or put it into practice but even the idea of it is a terrible thing to have exist.

I wonder how many actually read the words printed in these magazines.

How deliciously absurd.

"In the name of decency, go home to your parents, you losers. Go back to your mommas' basements and play with your Lords Of Warcraft."

Strangely Stargate became increasingly more ship based towards the end. At first ship based episodes were quite rare.

Don't remind of those horribly drawn out buggy sections of Half-Life 2.

I never quite get that either.

He quite clearly means bringing someone back and them being fine if not better for the experience is often disappointing.

Ignore this post.