
Dan Gurney’s passing really hit me. I still have the Autoweek with him on the cover next to my bed. He was much like Mark, quite the engineer while being a hot damn great driver. I met them both. Dan as an 11 yr old and Mark as a 16 yr old.  Can Am and Trans Am both made my blood race even more than F1 back then.

That is because Canada still appreciates the car. America wants to only have the roads populated by trucks and giant SUVs.

agreed. IMO, it is Le Mans and touring cars where its at. And WRC. Compared to those, oval racing is just boring.

I replied so I can have something with less interior room, slower, and worse gas mileage. They feel that the higher seating position and AWD are the benefits

Ford under Fields and Hackett are making, almost point-for-point, the same mistakes that US automakers made in the 80s and 90s, by ignoring its weak points and focusing on a narrowing market sector that it knows it can corner:

To me, this is just further proof NASCAR is dying a slow death. A championship winning team (from last year, not a decade ago) can’t find a sponsor? Decaying TV ratings, sponsors leaving, empty seats, when will NASCAR wake up?

What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.

I wonder when Bottas will tire of being Lewis’ sidekick/blocker and want to win races for himself?

Unfortunately motorsport is an engineer sport not a driver one.

Perhaps Kimi would have lost anyway, but watching Bottas sandbag so that Kimi wore his tyres even more and allowing Lewis to catch him is everything I hate about “team” F1. It’s so rare that we actually get to see two top competitors race each other. I hate that each team has a designated blocker.

Not really, I feel like the networks really try hard not to show the entire sections of empty bleachers.


I am sure there are some, but I am not aware of any F1 fans that are also avid NASCAR fans. I am not convinced that more than 500-1000 people would normally buy a ticket for both events.

Door handles are there for licking.

Bullfighting can fuck off and die in a fire. This leaves us with only two sports: mountaineering and motorsport.

I don’t enjoy not liking car guys, but i hate Richard Rawlings.

Anyone who finds driving in a straight line difficult should fork over their permit and go live on the Isle of Sark.

I remember going to a car show the year they debuted the new Mustang with IRS and hearing all of the good ole’ Mustang boys talk about how they ruined the Mustang.  You know, by making it an actual sports car with a suspension that allows for more than just driving fast in a straight line (or into a crowd if

If Americans would get over this notion only a mid- to full-size SUV will meet their needs and buy a midsize car that likely would meet those needs just fine, they could save themselves about $10,000 and not fall into 7 year financing traps. (And quit carrying negative equity into their loans.) And if you tell me you

in case you want a little bit of context, a cyclist kicked at my truck today because he was annoyed that I called him out for running a stop sign. Then his little peloton of fuckwads decided they were going to block almost the entire street, and kick at me again when I tried to take the gap. Sorry that some of us have