Agreed - how it didn’t even crack the top 30 is a travesty...  

Agreed - how it didn’t even crack the top 30 is a travesty...  

Dang! Bwahahhahaa the pallatte (sp?) of mason jars. Onetime Costco ran an add to buy a whole 18wheeler of toilet paper at like 25% of the price. I joked to my husband we could do it, the fine print said 20 palettes or something and he was like no that is more than our whole place. Now I really believe him.

I’m a Caps fan, but both those calls were absurd. The interference review showed clear interference, and the goal review showed a clear goal. Oh well, we can use a little luck.

The whole opening passage so accurately describes the current moment that it actually gives me comfort.

“He is a public figure and is necessarily entitled to a diminished expectation of privacy.”

Do you know me, son?

lets ignore Okafor’s talent level for a moment. They drafted a third big man in a row instead of getting a player in any other position.

That implies she’s held against her will instead of the reality which is she’s made the deliberative choice to be who she is and where she is, none of which speak well for her character. Megyn Kelly cares deeply about problems that affect Megan Kelly and the cohort of rich, white women she sees herself in. She does

2009 called. it said shut the fuck up.

Yes it is. These people died because Aaron Ramsey scored for Arsenal.

I mean, the mom is clearly an ass, but I don’t think I want my kids taught by someone who doesn’t know affect from effect and mixes up their/they’re/there.

Harvest itch weed in hell, you ridiculous hipster farthuffer.

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

Nicole Wallace is a sociopathic serial killer with a weird crush on Vincent D’Onofrio. Accept no substitutes.

This is a you problem, not a Caitlyn Jenner problem.

Got to love that Deadspin/Gawker are vehemently against Hot Takes and Buzzfeed-esque clickbait yet article titles like ‘Bill Simmons is a Shitty Writer’ are pretty common.