"The thing this state has always prided itself on is we do one thing better than you, and that's basketball. We do it better than you."

It's actually about ethics in video games journalism.

I'll never understand these reactions. Do Google and Apple pay people money to ride or die for an OS the way people do? It's stunning to me.

How is the idea that someone has to effectively pawn a ring (he can call it what it wants, but it's the same damn thing) so her son can GO TO SCHOOL and that a SCHOOL BOARD is engaging in this practice not horrible?

Yeah, imagine if we got rid of cell phones. It would be just like segregation! What?

I used to do CrossFit and the trainer at the box had everyone practice every Olympic lift with PVC pipe first and broke down every lift into stages to make sure the form was perfect throughout the lift. He would then have you do the lift with only the bar and watch your form before letting you add even 2.5 lb weights

Would "Accused of, But Ultimately Not Charged Even Though He's Obviously Guilty" have been too obvious as what you were going for here? Did he do it? Only two people know, Jameis and the young woman in the room that night. But Jezebel has already tried and convicted him while the football message board and MRA folks

Good thing they have that net there to protect spectators from foul balls.

I was highly skeptical when I clicked this but holy crap that was awesome. Well done by these folks.

Came here for this. Leaving happy.

I don't dispute the notion that the Mini is going to sell. My first reaction when I heard about it was that it was the type of product that should flop, but won't because it's Apple. My only point was that the the Kindle Fire buyers aren't just the "cheapo" market.

I don't think it's necessarily being cheap. I think people who want a 7" tablet saw what the Mini was offering, realized it's not really that much more powerful, if at all, than the Amazon/Android offering, so why pay the extra $100+ for the Apple on the back?

When I found that out, it made me love this bit even more. It almost feels like this one bit is done by the writers for themselves and if the audience comes along with it, that's great. I kind of like that.

I have seen some really nice pictures on Instagram. The problem is that they are really few and far between. Not every skyline needs to be shot with Instagram and I guarantee you that you aren't the first person to take a picture of New York at dusk and your filtering of your photo doesn't make it unique, it makes you

There's an 1800 word review there and you're complaining because numbers were replaced by yes/no? And we're supposed to believe THAT'S the problem here? Not the fact that if you read the review, you can probably deduce what a numerical score would be, but the fact that someone won't spoon feed it to you?

+All of the internets. All of them. I was that fat kid in school but I had a sense of humor and the right friends, so it was "OK" I guess. But even today in my 30s, I still have issues with my weight and body image even after losing 60 lbs.

I'm tired of seeing faux-artsy pictures of buildings, sunsets and brunches clogging up my facebook and twitter feeds. The only thing Instagram is good for is identifying these people so I can mute them. You're not a famous photographer, you're not a tortured soul using your iPhone as a medium to express your inner

This is my problem with the android folks:

Honestly, having just made the switch from Android (original Droid X) to the iPhone 5, I kind of agree with your wife's stance. While I like reading about tech things and enjoy LifeHacker, I just want to be able to pick up my phone and go without having to get after a lot of apps with the bells and whistles needed.

I'll grant you that. That's a fair point. I guess at some point you just come to accept that a site has its biases and get on with it. I don't believe protests force change, but then I'm a cynical sort of person.