
Iron man. Iron Man

Don’t forget the wall. Mexico sure as hell isn’t paying for it. We all will. And while we’re paying for new missiles and battleships and a wall, we’re also paying for Trump to fly down to Florida every fucking weekend because he misses his Mar-a-Lago. It hasn’t even been two full months and this administration is

Meanwhile, all of us are going to pay, what is it now, $50billion more a year on the military so the middle class Trump voters can get boners over new missiles and battleships.

This is obnoxious false equivalence and fuck Chaffetz for being an asshole.

While his idea is correct the basis is not...

How many times do I have to say it? BMW turn signals work fine and get used all the time, they just flash in colors that the peasants can’t perceive.

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

Nice job not reading the article.

That chicken must be worn out from all the fucking you have done to it. Trump has more ties to Saudi Arabia that Clinton. Hence why the “good muslims” from there are allowed in.

Well in 1891 Dr. James Naismith created a game using two peach baskets so rival gang members could settle their differences. Bill Simmons was on hand to document this historic moment and whine incessantly that none of these players could hold a candle to the 1986 Boston Celtics.

Than be president? I’ll agree to that.

“Look in the mirror dumbass. See what happens when you jam a candidate that nobody likes down our throat.”

As you are almost certainly well aware, Obama did not permanently ban refugees from Cuba. He ended the policy that any Cuban who made it to the US was automatically entitled to expedited permanent residency. Cubans can still claim refugee status but they now have to go through the same process as everyone else. Except

Of course he anticipated this, but this doesn’t matter to him. Trump’s economic and tax policies will make it easier for Khan to avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes and regulatory compliance. The racist shit? Doesn’t affect him in the slightest. The plight of some poor Muslim trying to immigrate from Yemen

Um, can I get one restored by Toyota instead?

How dare only Americans care passionately about an American film! Also, this is only something that bothers “SJWs”! Definitely not the Asian-American acting community who are repeatedly denied opportunities to have starring roles because they’re not “well-known” enough (see if you can find the self-fulfilling prophecy

1) Target Saudi Arabia where the majority of the 9/11 terrorists came from.

First, quit parroting Breitbart like an empty-headed special snowflake. Oops, did I just hurt your fee-fees? Second, it IS unlawful - a judge has already put a hold on the executive order as they find it likely violates the rights of lawful US residents.