
This simply illustrates Chappelle’s continued drift from actually understanding his audience. Is he a good joke writer? Yes, there’s technique required to write a good joke he understands process and structure but he doesn’t understand audiences at this point. He’s so rich and so isolated and so egotistical all he

When he went from oddball genius to far right Republican. The majority of people buying Teslas are rich liberals who care about the environment. I won’t be giving this twat a dime if he’s going to insult me, and I’ll certainly tell my lawmakers that I don’t want him getting incentives or government contracts.

I’ve always hated that giant douchebag. He’s never done a single thing on his own. He’s a fraud, a liar, a narcissist, and a thin-skinned bully.

I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re acting in good faith, even though it’s pretty clear you’re not.

Sorry, there is not “actual science” backing up any claims that mask wearing does not slow the spread of this virus. There’s lot of interwebs bro-science, but that is not actual, real, science. This virus spreads primarily by shedding (exhaling) droplets of varying sizes. Masks greatly reduce the distribution of said

I’m not going to elevate the greys, so here’s the response. I’ve read the science. It’s pretty universally accepted that masks help. Even the “study” that most people post as “proof” that masks don’t work says in it’s own conclusions that masks are a reasonable precaution because the masked group didn’t wear them so

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

This is a bad take and you should feel bad.

It’s also relevant that the same thing happens over 1000 times a year, and that eventually one is caught on camera at last. Funny thing that people in power react when proof is indeniable, but not when things are hushed down by hyper-powerful lobbies and police unions.

Nope, I don’t want to line the pockets of someone who is going to use that money to fund politics I disagree with.

Yeah, I really don't expect your average (or goat) basketball player to be able to say anything intelligent about China. But it is pretty fucking obvious the NBA is ignoring human rights violations because they have dollar signs in their eyes. Pretty fucking simple. 

I know this will seem politically incorrect and I will face the wrath of the entire US population — which, Hi Population! — but as a matter of principle I have to say, Yuan Fang sounds like a dumb douchebag.

If you’re looking for the various ways that Trump has made money from the presidency, OpenSecrets has a good itemized list.

Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't

My understanding is that he's well regarded as a position coach/coordinator. He'll probably always be able to get a well paying job, thankfully. It's fun to joke about his background but I'd rather have a league full of Tomsulae than dipshit sons of 1980s NFL coaches.

Yikes, bunch of Americans in here trying to defend the ease with which they can buy incredibly lethal weaponry because their 300-year-old document written by a bunch of slave owners about muskets and militias is infallible lmao.

“look at the vulgarity, won’t someone think of the children...uh, not those dead children, I don’t care about those...”

It’s time for some vulgarity. I’m done playing nice and pretending that there’s any middle ground here. At least six kids have died in U.S. custody in the past year from torture and neglect at U.S. concentration camps. No kids died in immigration custody in the decade before that. And now American kids are being

1) The kid who recently got picked up by ICE was an American citizen. His mother even brought his birth certificate and they insisted it was fake. He spent a month sleeping on a floor in an overcrowded cell with 60 men. The kid lost 20 pounds because these concentration camps aren’t providing basic food or medical