Wrong. You're thinking of centrifugal.

Because the moment China sees a missile launch moving anywhere even remotely in their direction, they have to assume that we're shooting at them and fire back. That's how MAD works. We can say that we're launching against NK, but we can't prove it until the missiles hit, and by then it would be too late for them to

There is a whitehouse petition to address this very issue, and just needs more signatures. Go sign.

Funny. You do know that early working hours disproportionately affect the young, right?

Boy I sure wish I could sleep while it was still light out in the evening, because getting up an hour before the sun due to DST is hard enough as it is.

Li-ions are a lot more complicated than NiMHs and other earlier battery technologies. Fortunately, the charging circuits we use to maintain them have improved as well, so most of the battery care happens inside the black box where we don't have to worry about it.

Because it's our (outdated and dangerous) policy to answer nukes with nukes. It's the reason we have nukes in the first place, as a deterrent to a nuclear strike from another country. If we failed to follow up on the threat of fire with fire, then we would appear weak and the deterrent would no longer be effective. At

That still wouldn't prevent china from getting pissy with us. They want no involvement in WMDs that close to their borders.

The PO always does this to me too. I think it's hilarious. I'll have a credit card with no signature and "SEE PHOTO ID" written in sharpie on the signature strip, and they'll tell me they can't accept it until I sign it, and will make me sign the credit card in front of them and hand it back to them again, and then

There's not some magic self-destruct number on a battery. The built in limiters are based off rough guidelines to reduce abuse, but are far from perfect in every situation. Ideally, you should discharge your battery to 40%, always store it at 40% between charges, and then charge it to 90% right before using it again,

NK is banking on the fact that their close proximity to China (which has the fifth largest Nuclear Weapon stockpile in the world behind the USA, Russia, UK and France) would make it too risky for us to launch a retaliatory strike against them without initiating MAD with China launching its own nukes, and ultimately

I can save you the trouble right now with all of your internet drug searches:

You also have to consider that it takes just about a full second to deploy and hit the pavement, which means the cops have to deploy it a fair bit ahead of the vehicle to make sure it has time to be in position. At higher speeds, it has to be deployed further ahead, since it still needs the same amount of time to

I have one started. It's not big enough. My goal is to get it to be 3 months worth of rent and other living expenses, so I'm pinching pennies pretty hard right now to make that happen. I could make it happen in about 12 months at the current rate, best-case scenario, though that's pretty much irrelevant since my

I can't imagine this working very well. The spikestrip flinging across the road in front of the driver would alert them pretty quickly to its presence, and a good driver could probably avoid it in less time than it takes to finish deploying.

That's not how wind chill works. Wind chill is the property that moving air will take away heat faster, but it still only gets as cold as the surrounding air. The "wind chill" temperature is what still-air temperature it "feels like" based off how quickly it cools you, not on how cold you get. For temperatures above

Actually the bigger question is, why was the drone in or near the airport airspace (federal airspace) without ATC and the pilots being notified, and furthermore, what sort of controls can we put in place to prevent exactly this kind of scenario? If we start handing out licenses to operate to parties like the NYPD, how

I really can't see the convenience of not getting a few half blocks as outweighing the instability of the cooker, which could be disastrous if it falls apart.

It would have been so easy for him to just lay the cinder blocks properly to make it sturdy, but he doesn't... WHY DOESN'T HE? WHY? D:

"cornering like a drunken sailor" isn't all that different from how most people drive to begin with, so I doubt they'd really notice.