
I love how butthurt everyone is over absolutely nothing. 

I know the “Washington Veterans” idea was a joke, but I could see a certain type of person (i.e. A LOT of football fans) who would go crazy for it.

that’s pretty bad but I don’t live in fear of that happening to me because I’m not a fucking moron. Seriously though, just hop off! You don’t even have to tuck and roll

Hey ; )

Wow, you guys turned on him fairly quickly.  You do know the reason you’re tired of hearing about him is because you’ve done like 10 stories in the past couple of weeks about him right?

my go-to cliche is ‘once you’re a pickle you can never be a cucumber again’

So much cleaner too.  Attach a hose and pipe it directly into an oil container.  They’re all really well made too.

Cheating at ultramarathon is really pathetic. Is there even prize money?

I liked Trainwreck just fine; the problem is that movie seemed like a perfect distillation of her entire act and persona to date, leaving her with little more to work with.

“Vulgarian? I’ve never even been to Vulgaria!”
- 45, probably

Since he’s on a mission from God, there’s only one right answer.

You can find some info about it here:

In college, I got a job with a local company that sold whitewater gear and quickly got into kayaking myself. I spent all my extra time and money on boating, and at one point early on I’d swallowed enough runoff to catch giardia. It took me a while to finally go to the doctor and get the meds to kill it, and in the

“Laura, do you even know what transgender means?”
“I think so. It’s when you look down at your privates and go, Why I oughta.”

Actually, the real cost is if an accident occurs, the city/county/state could be sued for millions of dollars. Black eye for the city/county. Reactionary/knee-jerk responses. But mostly just loss and sadness at the human level. Especially if there’s a death. Especially if the death is a child.

While I do find these kind of shows difficult to watch in general - bad premise, bad practice, bad product - I also find this kind of language to be sort of problematic, too. “White trash” and “Redneck” are synonyms for low-income, working class whites who are often marginalized by their own wider communities. The use

Ya, lactose tolerance just means at least some of your ancestors herded cows and sheep and shit. Just imagine how impoverished your life must be that a tummy enzyme that lets you drink something for baby mammals is, in your mind, something you have going for you.

I think he likes to talk tough to compensate for the fact he’s terrified of stairs.