
Your medical condition has nothing to do with the laws of thermodynamics. I have not been rude at all throughout this conversation. Since you are incapable of having a debate without resorting to slinging mud, I'll step aside.

This was linked from another article. But you still can't possibly argue the point about caloric deficit leading to weight loss. It is a scientific fact.

Consuming fewer calories than you expend will result in weight loss. Even with hypothyroidism, that rule still applies. Your basal metabolic rate may be slower than average, but there is some threshold of caloric intake that if crossed you'd start steady weight loss. Exercise will increase your metabolic rate, and

This is a roll model.


LCA always wins.

"The issue here is that these products were designed for a stereotype of a woman by a male"

Here's the vine of that lovely sequence:

I'm glad someone else posted this. I would bet that the previous run of 600 mentioned was due to those two coins.

Beats pooping at a commune...

Don't blame the wand, blame the wizard.

The Goatse transfer is life changing. Ask anyone - the first time they saw it, it illuminated a huge gap in their understanding of through balls.

There is no difference, which is double why (along with the awl comments) this is a wasteful product.

After making a parsec joke on another post, I must inform you (after I was corrected) that a parsec is a unit of distance.

Awesome achievement. I find it interesting that of all the places he went through, Sequoia National Park was his favorite. I drove XC from Seattle to New York going through Cali and liked Sequoia the most as well - if you've never been it is really a special place.

I find it funny that Miley has broader shoulders than Justin.

I actually thought I had a malfunctioning plumbing system, and started doing this last year or so. I'm glad to know I'm not alone (and also that someone else came up with the same idea - proof that I am not crazy). It works well!

"When vacuum tubes were attached to crownless saplings"

We live on Endor!

Nickelball sounds way better than Nickelback