Roadhog is still a one-shot menace, he’s just a lot more dependant on his team to capitalize on his hook-shot. He can no longer make easy trades with high value targets solo. This is only bad for mains who don’t like to think about team position too much.

Destiny is in many ways an RPG, and when more traditional RPGs have direct sequels, they normally go one of two ways:


It means the city gets attacked in the opening cutscenes. Your character scrambles from the ground shouting “hang on everyone! I’ve got two years worth of guns in my vault right over th—” and the vault is immediately destroyed by a direct gunship salvo.

Wow, even kids are shitting on my main now... shit does this mean everyone hates me?

That’s such a lazy joke, if we can even call it that. I’m in camp If You’re Gonna Be Offensive, At Least Make A Joke That Isn’t Also More Than 100 Years Old. My camp also needs a better name.

The fuck did Syracuse do?

Now playing

I know people find it not popular for the graphics (I like it alright), but for the music this was always my favorite unoriginal street fighter music in a commercial.

Yes. And the reason for that emphatic “Yes” is the fact that to him its just ‘some jokes that you disagree with’.


The nachos in my microwave took longer to finish than Rousey’s career tonight.

I’m happy for another look at Switch, but clips like these are exactly why I don’t watch Fallon — he’s so goddamn phony. The whole segment is like watching an infomercial on the Home Shopping Network, and Jimmy is the patsy who acts like he’s super impressed with the slap chop or shamwow. As if he didn’t know Nintendo

Some perspective on how historic this is:

Yet you decided to comment

Yet you decided to comment. And we all benefitted.

Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,

Sorry, Couldn’t resist. Low hanging fruit and all that.

Meanwhile, the Taken Spring update has made Destiny the best it’s ever been. We welcome all ye Division people back to the Tower with open arms.

What a horrible article. Most of these beers are considered crap anyway... so how can they be "over rated." For example, Miller High Life's rating on is 1. That is 1 out of a possible 100. So if it is over rated should it be a 0.5? or 0?