
PBS? I'll be lovingly tapping dat PirateBay the next day.

Lady Mary, I do not care about you. Lady Edith, will you get a decent storyline? Will they actually allow you to be happy with someone who is age-appropriate and available? Or, perhaps more interestingly, will your floozy cousin pull you into her life of swing-dancing and carousing with unmarried gentlemen, causing

This one was my favourite

Aw...congrats to Jessica Coen! Looks like she just got married. Made it into the NY Times and everything. Dang, girl!

Think super happy positive good thoughts for me, please. I had my IUI this morning, so hopefully this time in 2 weeks, I will be finding out I'm PREGNANT. Fingers crossed please!

The true heroes are effortless.

Fun fact: Her twin brother played her as a man in the flashback scenes!

She kind of shrugged/laughed it off, but I wish she's explained why the touching her thing isn't okay. Transmisogyny is a real thing, and she's probably had to deal with people actually wanting to fight/kill her because of her identity. I have no doubt that she's learned to interpret that kind of approach as an

They should have gone with this guy instead

My sentiments, exactly! I was so excited to click through, but then it was all sad face from there. I want her to do this. I love that she's doing this. But yes, I want to see something different. Also, what is it with plus sizes and huge, obnoxious patterns? I'm sure there's some kind of reasoning behind this

I want to like it. I mean, I do like that it happened. But it doesn't look like much of a change from the status quo, or even much like a collection. There's no story or even cohesive idea around the dresses. It looks like she pulled a bunch of dresses off the rack of the plus size floor at Macy's and sent them

If you buy this crap the terrorists truly do win.

This shoe is heinous.


I don't know if this is an error or a lack of clarity, but it seems unclear about whether the date of the anniversary is Sept. 11, 2013, or whether there were more attacks on lower Manhattan.

At least he's better than Gretchen. uuuuggh.

Buck up. I traveled for work for about 5 years and I skipped going to the dentist during that time. My teeth had deteriorated to such any alarming degree in that short time that I ended up getting a root canal, crown, 5 cavities filled, and the plaque buildup was so bad that I had to get a periodontic teeth

I was in the same situation last year. I went to the dentist for the first time in years, I was so worried because I also had bulimia and anorexia for years as well. I sadly lost two teeth, and have a few cavities that need attention. I figure that dental implants are always an option, and just try not to get too

That picture only convinces me more that this 'feud' between Perez and Gaga is staged to sell her albums and get him website clicks. That picture is a studio portrait and she is covering herself up with her hand. For crying out loud. Is this how stupid these publicity people think we are?