Oh goodness. My friend used to work at the R+A while at St. Andrews. The stories. The stories.
Oh goodness. My friend used to work at the R+A while at St. Andrews. The stories. The stories.
This is somewhat similar to that time I went on a Disney Cruise with my parents at age 12 and refused to get off the cruise ship because I was reenacting the Babysitters Club Super Special "Baby-Sitters On Board!" and yet also not like that time at all.
Delia's was the shit. And Alloy. I used to salivate when those catalogs came in the mail.
This will surely get buried but it was my moment of realization and I want to share. I have lived in a city for a decade now and just kind of understood that catcalling and unwanted "compliments" were a part of my everyday life. I paid it no mind. Then, I was walking down the street with my boyfriend one day. He…
Does anyone remember the Super Special books? There was one where they all went on a cruise and then to Disney World. I think I read it 50,000 times. I once faked sick on Yom Kippur so I could read it alone and not have to deal with family.
Will buy when I hit up the drugstore later for my Friday night Almond Snickers.
I like Kylie's lipstick. I am trying to make it work on me but it's just not happening.
From reading the show's description and an article in the New Yorker, it seems like The Fosters is kind of ... progressive? Not just for ABC Family, but for like, TV. Is this true? I am intrigued. I only watch Pretty Little Liars OMG GO AWAY I LOVE THAT SHOW SPENCER 4EVA.
Oh yeah, that tool is only available in CS6.
Oh. My. God. A period drama that I didn't know about HOLY SHIT. Someone bring me a bottle of rosé and this movie, stat.
Love it, love her, and that necklace. Must have. It will go so well with today's sweatpants, Gap V-neck with mysterious pasta-sauce stain, and moccasins. Yes. Yes it will.
When you can't stop moving your mouth and jaw because you've done so much cocaine. Some people grind. Some people chew. Some people clench.
I wore a black tea-length dress with white tulle poking out the bottom, a massive white bow in my hair, and red lipstick. Fuck it. I love my prom photos. I was hot. And no high-low hems to be found. Prom sucked, though. My date came out. And I got food poisoning at Olive Garden.
Agreed. Also do this for a living, looks clone-stampy or maybe liquify tool-y?
Honest question, and I'm being honest and curious here. Can you express concern over someone's exercise plan without that being considered concern trolling? Can a layperson objectively opine that an entire day on the treadmill is too much? (I have no opinion on the matter, because I truly don't know. I think I am just…
That gif is probably from Forty Dollars a Day and I can't believe I know that.
Not sure if it's the hangover talking, but I would be fine with The Mummy and some Thai food right about now, but the Thai place doesn't open until 5, so I might just lay here in my drunken filth and eyeliner until the cold bony hand of death comes for me. RIPdarcy.
Yes. I think that's what is bothering me, but couldn't put into words. It was this high-falutin' disbelief that Lena Dunham could ever look so good on her own. It had to be some sort of magical Photoshop elfery. Until it wasn't.