Mine are kind of medium-sized and even then, I think that dress would just smoosh 'em into a frowny shape.
Mine are kind of medium-sized and even then, I think that dress would just smoosh 'em into a frowny shape.
She looks pretty relaxed for someone who is married to a murderous despot. She must have a good spa to go to.
Happy hunger games!*
And to all y'all here, too: shana tova u'metukah, Jezzies (to whom it applies, or not!)
I'm a feminist and I feel Outrage and Exhaustion and all the feelings but my main takeaway is codfish for breakfast? Raining fires of Hell, no.
He HAD to have control. He controlled every aspect of his victims lives (while he had them) he maintained the illusion that he was God. Hell, for him, was being powerless, confirming the nothingness, the meaninglessness that he always suspected. In the end, he HAD to be right, the hanging was how he justified himself.…
I think one of the most frustrating things for me with regard to the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders is that for many, many patients the best treatment/the only form of treatment that has a chance to be effective in the long run is residential treatment. These long-term treatment programs run from 6-12…
"Men get eating disorders. Yep, even straight men."
I've been a fan of yours — your stuff about rape culture, your stuff about veganism — for a while. I'm so fucking sorry you're going through this. And yet I'm also so happy that someone as frank and brave and hilarious as you is around to give voice to a problem that many people treat as invisible. Men get eating…
When I lived in Scotland we used to just say "Aw, bless." Lol.
At what point do you stop giving passes to people who lack the education? If you don't learn about feminism in school, but instead toss your opinions about in the media, don't you think you should be held accountable for what you say?
If I was still living in Alabama my response might have been, "well... bless your heart." Some of you will know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I have to be that person - it's four words. But four very very wise words.
Agreed. My philosophy is: do whatever you want; don't be a jerk. That's all. You will never please everyone, and the only people you really need to please are yourself and your intended. Everything else falls under "don't be a jerk."
Let me start by saying that I am currently planning a wedding and, with the exception of about two weeks during which my fiance was oblivious of the need to secure a venue so we could get married on the date we wanted, I have been incredibly calm (my mother, not so much).
How about writing a 'CALM THE FUCK DOWN' for the families of those about to be married. It could go something like: young people are steering away from more traditional weddings, be respectful of the couple's wishes, and you don't need to spend loads of cash on frivolous shit for it to be a 'proper' wedding.
Awww, thanks hun :) but you spelled my name wrong.
I saw a live version of Wet Hot American Summer in San Francisco a couple of years ago and Christopher Meloni was one of the few who performed in his original costume. He also humped a mini-fridge right in front of me. He was amazing.