Nope, gotta feel guilty. Did you know Prince Will didn't lift a finger when his ancestor's took on the white man's burden? It's scandalous!
Nope, gotta feel guilty. Did you know Prince Will didn't lift a finger when his ancestor's took on the white man's burden? It's scandalous!
Disclaimer: please understand that nothing I'm about to say is meant to diminish her actions, which are heroic and brave beyond anything I can imagine.
I'm generally against them as well but I don't think opaque tights would work with this color blocked dress, it would just look like a continuation of the dress. Do you remember leggs nylons that came in boxes at the grocery store? My mom -those.
He couldn't be bothered to open his eyes. GOD, baby.
Who the hell cares how many times Lindsay Lohan says she did coke? Girl has problems and it's obvious drugs and alcohol aren't at the root of these probs. I'm sick of seeing articles about her.
I don't know if she invited us into her rehab; it was more like we're gatecrashers who stormed her party years ago to watch her demise and won't leave. At this point, she's trying basically to clean her house up the morning and just trying to feed us a little bit of breakfast in the hopes that maybe we'll stop…
Whoever wins... we lose.
I too recently discovered the joy that is Friday Night Lights, despite generally disliking all things sports related! I'm not even sure what made me look it up on Netflix, but two weeks later and I'm into the second season and completely invested in these characters. And yes, holy Tim Riggins indeed.
You probably just answered your own question. They're both awful.
"She's the shit!" usually vulgar
Alice Walker has repeatedly crossed the line between legitimate criticism of Israeli government policy and outright anti-semitism. The donors didn't forbid her from attending; they just weren't willing to pay for her to do so. I don't think they should be faulted for that. Additionally, if she felt so strongly about…
Seriously tearing up at my desk right now. Ten years ago when I was deployed I couldn't even say a proper goodbye to my partner in public. I sat in the desert for a year knowing that if anything happened to me it would be up to my family to tell her. I watched hetero soldiers cheat on their wives while they were…
What I love about this - other than the DoD going full on with the whole equality thing - is that they're granting leave to let people get married, if they're stationed somewhere that doesn't allow it, so that everyone has the ability to access benefits. This is a lot more than just following the letter of the law -…
Word. Mermaid dresses on curvy hips say "I'm fucking hot, and I know it." So of course that's what I wore on my wedding day.
.. Are you kidding me? That's like saying you can just "delete" someone when they insult you in person. Yeah, shit happens, people say mean stuff, but they shouldn't get off scot-free because they say such things. They need to be punished, and it's a shame that Microsoft took such a long time to do that.
I'm getting married on saturday and my dress is green, which doesn't faze about half the people I tell, but the other half need to know why, what for and how could I for half an hour afterwards!
It's been 4 years since I got married and I still miss dress shopping. Next time I get married, I'll savor the experience.
Can someone at Jezebel acknowledge and explain the crappy new layout, please?