
Emperor Cyrus of Persia is explicitly called "Messiah" in the Old Testament (Isaiah 45:1-7), and his liberation of Jerusalem from Babylonian occupiers provided the model for what First Century Jews under Roman occupation were looking for in a Messiah in the Gospels. It is this meaning of "Messiah," a political

And the funny thing? Conservatives howl when liberal or even non-liberal judges make decisions that they don't like, and then label those judges "activists."

Ben Affleck visited Lindsay in rehab to discuss a potential role for her in his upcoming movie Live By Night.

Call me crazy, but I find myself quite capable of feeling sympathy for both famous and anonymous people who die too soon as a result of drug addiction, overdoses, or any other reason for that matter. Just because celebrity culture is weird doesn't mean it's not sad when a celebrity experiences a real tragedy. And


Just paint the lids with chalk board paint, which you can find cheaply at Lowe's or home depot.

I think the pro-women's-rights crowd needs to be trumpeting the Gosnell case. As in "You thought this was bad? Go ahead. Outlaw abortion and see what women are forced to suffer through then." (Of course, the ones with the goal of punishing women for having sex won't care, but maybe some of their mindless sheep who

I sometimes get to take class with a teacher who has a thick SI-bro accent. It's so incongruous, I love it. It's like: "Yo, guys now we're gonna do chayer pose. I know, it's gonna suck, but ya gonna be so good afta — you'll get cawfee, ya gonna feel great." Overhearing him talk about Eastern philosophy is also pretty

One teacher at my studio puts these bizarre over-dramatic inflections on the asana names all the time, like she'll say "OOOOTH-kata-SAAAAH-na." She also rolls her R's ("virrrrabhandrasana") like she's speaking Spanish - wtf? It drives me especially insane because I studied yoga in India for a long time with a teacher

AMEN. Awkward pose, full eagle and full crow are easily my least favourite


Don't forget: He loves you right back.

Between this shit and the concern trolling regarding Chris Christie's weight, I am officially over all the things. ALL THE THINGS.

And black women everywhere shrug it off, knowing that this could just possibly be a "quick weave" which gives the illusion of a short haircut and allows you to go from long to short without actually cutting.

(I misunderstood)

Agreed.... as a clothing designer-manufacturer with my own line this makes me cringe a bit. I know high end designer clothing prices are inflated, but nice, well made clothing costs money. Clothing is a relatively labor intense process, and price discrepancy is largely a result of how much you pay people. (I like the

I'm torn on this too. I think guest hosting is one thing, and maybe it's a nice stabilizer to have work? But the idea of Oprah throwing her on a reality show seems not the best idea that I can think of.

"There are very few Democratic women who can begin or finish a sentence without mentioning a 'woman's right to choose,'" Conway said...

Yes. I understand why watching this show would drive people to drink.