I am happy for Raven-Symonè and totally support my homosexual brethren and sistren, but that Tweet wasn't "adorable". Come on. It was nice; it wasn't exceptionally witty or funny.
I am happy for Raven-Symonè and totally support my homosexual brethren and sistren, but that Tweet wasn't "adorable". Come on. It was nice; it wasn't exceptionally witty or funny.
This reminds me of the time I made a placard that said, "How many children have YOU adopted?" and stood next to the PP protestors here. They don't like it when you ask them that question.
Can we get a bill that requires men seeking viagra prescriptions to watch a 3 hour video about abstinence?
We were going to use that for our registry until I realized they take a decent percentage out of the money. Like 7-9%, depending on the site. And all the registrants get out of it is a check/direct deposit anyway. Which they could spend on that awesome fresh seafood dinner they "registered" for, or for bills, or…
I'm having the worst period ever. I just want to eat roasted chicken and nutella. Usually a heating pad makes me feel better but it makes me want to throw up today. *DIES*
I love that picture of Kelly Clarskon. I guess we have different definitions of 'over the top' because I find her dress to be pretty tame, compared to say, anything made by Pnina Tornai.
Did he pick up a southern accent half way through this?
It's sad to think that in 25 years, the future head of state of sixteen kingdoms will pop his collar.
A gay loosely woven cotton fabric indeed!
Don't forget muslim. A gay muslin devil. He may also be a woman but that is maybe too harsh.
Dear America:
How'd you get that clown dumpster rate? That information violates dumpster-patient confidentiality.
I'm a Jew so I wont bother to save up.
I read sternum rather than septum for Lady Gaga's piercing and was all...What? You can pierce that? You can't pierce that!
Let's see what dictionary.com has to say on the subject of rape... Hmm, weird, don't see anything about orgasms there. Well, that's just a dictionary, let's look at the California Penal Code... huh, that's strange, no mention of orgasm there, either. It's almost as if RAPE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PERPETRATOR HAVING…
Their celebrity couple name is Jonial Radhamm.