
So the only time a Romney campaign internal poll was correct, it seems.

Time to work harder. You can DO it!

Maybe I'm missing something, but it sounds like the two of you want the same thing. Right? So you aren't forcing him into anything. Regardless, it's good that you brought up your concerns. You've been together four years; he needs to know what you're thinking. He shouldn't expect you to read his mind though.

It always creeps me out how these people write like Son of Sam. It's not enough for them to be creepy, sexist racists, they have to make you imagine some reporter slowly easing the letter out of the envelope with tongs.

So her middle name is ByNorth, right? Right?!

The more articles that come out like this, the more I feel like I'm not supposed to be getting married if I want to be a "good feminist." I don't feel like I'm being cowed into some weird, domestic, gender-role-adhering agreement by the Patriarchy At Large, but every time an article about it pops up, I feel like

Mass. Republicans are definitely a different animal than the guys in national party. When Scott Brown was running against Elizabeth Warren, he was running ads featuring him with Obama, while in other states, Republicans were slamming their primary opponents for ever even having a conversation with the president.

Thosia Who Donate to Kickstarters Say Nosia to Zosia. "Dammit, Mamets!" says everyone.

I'm glad you asked this, because I was just thinking of the exact same issue—how this compares with the "gluttonous skinny girl" trope. And I can see how something like Gilmore Girls is perhaps a little less awful in the way it role models (because it encourages a carefree approach to food), so that would perhaps be

How dare they! Amusements parks are supposed to be meritocratic playgrounds never tainted by the stench of capitalism.

"Too little too late." - Catelyn Stark

Boy, I guess Piper really was never the same after Prue died.

I don't even click on those stories because it bothers me so much that Jez would continue reporting on this young woman so heavily. All the "I'm so concerned about you Amanda!" and sad faces don't justify Jez's obnoxious coverage.

Preach girl!!

Thanks! I am glad to see so many commenters feel the same way. I was surprised at the headline since I thought Jezebel knew their audience. I think another way they could have also gone with it would criticize other places for the insensitive way in which they are reporting on this. They could still include it in the

The link to Radar was pretty icky.

Could Jessica Coen or Anna Breslaw please explain why the mental health of a 15-year-old is material fit-to-print? I'm genuinely curious how you've rationalized this.

National Suicide Hotline, US: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

How about we not scrutinize a suicidal, troubled child, Jezebel/Breslaw? Did a hard blow to your head dislodge your good judgment?

I had no idea who Blac China was but if this is Mandy's goal then I feel really bad for her. Plastic surgery and wigs can change a lot of things but ethnicity isn't one. All this for wheelchair Jimmy.