
Is it bad that I feel very pro-Miley?

So I discovered that The Babysitters's Club tv series is on Netflix and I have a bottle of wine in the house. So that takes care of my Sunday. What are some favorite Netflix Instant Recommends? I've got pretty diverse taste, traditional sitcoms like How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory but I also love

It's on! Bring on the era of gay biopics. Thank god.

"I identify as a feminist. I have so many feminist beliefs — and then I'm so mean to myself about my body sometimes."

I would then also turn up at your work.

Yes, this, from another fellow introvert. Also it might sound silly, but practice in front of the mirror until you feel slightly less like a stupid monkey. Rehearsing and seeing what one's actual facial movements are doing is very helpful for me; I tend to not know what I'm conveying at any given point in time,

I am introverted. Not to the point of extreme awkwardness, but social situations are not always easy. I am looking for a job right now (I'm still in college, so not really looking for my dream, post-grad job yet - but I will be in a few years). Does anyone here have some advice, as an interviewer, or interviewee, on

If Amanda Bynes' NYC apartment is a flophouse, I live in the sub-basement of a meth lab in the darkest reaches of Timbuktu with naked mole rat human hybrid mutants. I know tabs exaggerate to sell issues, but it's gotten ridiculous lately. They're becoming more like The Onion every day.

The pictures aren't all in the same article?

I'm also protesting this new format! What's the point? Why make it so difficult? I'm simply not going to the trouble, which is a shame, because I like fancy dresses - good, bad, or ugly. But this new Jez feature makes no sense! Hate, hate, hate.

I dunno, but it's not worth the trouble.

Why is it broken up into separate stories? It's annoying and difficult to comment on, and I have to keep going back and forth ... am I missing something? HALP.

I wanted to like "The New Normal", but it was positively horrid. It was mean, nasty and unfunny. And I mean, nobody could have rooted harder for it to be good than me. Andrew Rannells? NeNe Leakes? Ellen Barkin? It screamed "love me".

But Baz, Gatsby isn't the protagonist.

Playing roulette with a chicken on a Boeing Dreamliner.

Throwing a chicken into the engine of a Boeing Dreamliner.

You forgot driving a vintage Chevy Nova backwards toward a Boeing Dreamliner.

DSM 5 isn't a paradigm shift, but the NIMH's choice to not support it definitely is. While Insel might say that we need to move toward a mechanism that uses neuroscience, genetics and biology to inform diagnoses, what he doesn't mention is the fact that the methodology needed to perform diagnostics using these

You can't just drop all that knowledge and not tell us where you work! Use anagrams if you must!

Wet Hot American Summer should be the benchmark for all cultural discourse, ever.